Average day for a hero

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Reader POV
I woke up feeling tired and sore as usual... I'm still trying to get used to the whole "(SMN)" thing. As I got up from my bed I looked at my alarm clock and I was late to school


I quickly rush to change my clothes, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get my homemade spider suit I quickly ran to my high school hoping that my punishment wouldn't be to dire. As I run by the window I notice that it opened and I saw Harry Osborn. He helped me into the school and we dusted ourselves off

Harry: dude, I can get you a new alarm clock if you want
(YN): no thanks but thanks for the save man...

As I'm trying to get back my strength harry looks at his watch and smiles

Harry: luckily for you its break. C'mon you have the others worried

We then walk to our hangout spot and I notice MJ eating her food and Ellie looking around with a frantic look. As we approach MJ was the first to notice me

MJ: (YN)? Where have you been? You had poor Ellie worried sick

Ellie in response stiffined up as a big red blush covered jer face


MJ just rolled her eyes as me and harry sat at the table

Harry: I found him running around the school so I opened the window and helped him in
MJ: how very noble of you. And (YN) you really need a better alarm clock
Ellie: i-i took some notes for you...
(YN): thanks Ellie, your a life saver

As Ellie blushes and smiles slightly MJ begins to talk about how she "has a new scoop on new yorks own (SMN)"

MJ: I just know that if I try hard enough he will just HAVE to let me interview him... Then my life as a journalist BEGINS!

While she explained her plans the 3 of us had our own reactions. Harry was applauding and offering MJ some help on her mission, I was kinda nervous since she actually is talking about me and Ellie seemed less than eager to talk about (SMN)... She actually really doesnt like (SMN) due to a something awful happening to her because of him... But (SMN) is me. Because of this I try the best I can to find out what happened but she would always tell me that "He took away something that I can never get back" lets hope she doesn't find out my identity anytime soon

Female Venom x Male Spider-Man readerWhere stories live. Discover now