Something New

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Reader POV
As lunch ended, me and the group all headed over to our next class and I over heard several of people mummering and mumbling about something that I was unable to understand. I ignored them and sat down in my seat and looked into space for what felt like forever until I heard the door open and I saw the teacher walk in with a girl who seemed to be a new student. What I also noticed was how my spidersense was going crazy and that the whole mood of the room suddenly went quiet and cold... Like someone brought a gun into class

Eclipse: STFU ECLIPSE!. *clears throat* Now. On with the story

The girl was taller than me and seemed to be very confident in her abilities judging from the way she was looking at the class. She knew she was instantly feared and she liked it. I kept my cool and she seemed to notice that as she winked at me, getting a reaction from Ellie, as she breaks part of her desk with the tip of her fingers almost instantly

Teacher: Ok class. This is your new classmate, Claire Cassidy, now Claire, if you would tell alittle but about yourself to the class

Claire: Ill pass on that.

The teacher nodded as he motioned for her to sit down. She walked by afew desks as she playful looked at them like a child would look at a new toy that they were going to break. As she passed me, she made the kid next to me move desks as she sat next to me, getting another reaction from Ellie

Clair: well aren't you a cutey~ whats your name?
(Yn): I'm (Yn)(L-
Ellie: He is (Yn)(Ln) and he is. Taken.

Claire then made a playful frowny face as she winked at me before laughing at Ellie's angered expression

(Yn): Calm down Ellie
Claire: Yea. Or ill put you down
Ellie: Id like to see you try...

Claire then released a murderous look in her eyes as she looked at Ellie the same way a hungry wolf would look at a rabbit who didn't know better.

Female Venom x Male Spider-Man readerWhere stories live. Discover now