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Reader POV
I decided to call in school and take a sick day so I can test out this new suit. As I was swinging around New York and I noticed that the webs were stronger with this suit. And then my spider sense went off so I dropped down and dodged an attack from the vulture

(YN): out of the way man
Vulture: Ill put you down

He then grabs me and flies me up into the sky as I thrash around in his claws. He then drops me but I web him and pull him to me and I rip off his winged jetpack and punch his mask off and proceed to let us both fall

(YN): the vulture will have a hard time flying with clipped wings old man

I then shrug as I still let us fall down. The vulture then begs for me to save him as we both get closer and closer to the ground. Wait... Why am I letting him fall? I then make a web net and catch him in it and swing away.

(YN): what was that about?... Why did I just let him fall? He was begging for his life yet I still let him fall... What's going on with me?

I then look into a near by window and look at my reflection and I hear a voice in my head... You should have let him fall. Hes a criminal. I then shake my head and look at my reflection and I see a flash of a monsterous version of me. As it scared me I let go of the webbing and I then web the wall and swing to it

(YN): what are you doing to me?... Whats going on?

I then head back home and hope that I just needed some sleep for the day

Female Venom x Male Spider-Man readerWhere stories live. Discover now