The Venom in your Veins

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Reader POV
Once school was finished i suited up and began to swing around new York when I was suddenly tackled out off the sky and slammed into a near by building. I look to see who is choking me and I see the creature I saw in my nightmare the other night

(SMN): T-The symbiote?!
Symbiote: don't call us that... We are the poison that will kill you. WE ARE VENOM

She then raises her claw to punch me but I kick her off of me and try to swing away

(SMN): We? What do you mean we?!

She then roars at me and tackles me again and as we both wrestle in the air I punch her in the throat and I web her up

(SMN): Look! If you can still hear me, Fight it! Don't let the suit control you!

Just then 'venom' gives me a half smirk as she breaks the webbing and roars at me

Venom: NO ONE IS BEING CONTROLLED! We simply share the same desire... Your DESTRUCTION

She then sends several of tendrils at me but I dodge them all and dive off the building as venom follows from close behind

(SMN): I wouldn't be so sure about that

I then fire my webbing at her and it stuns her as I punch her in the face and kick her in the stomach. She stumbles back as she roars in rage as she tackles me off the building and makes both of us hit the ground and she places her foot on my stomach

Venom: it isn't enough to kill you... We will destroy every single aspect of your life

I then grab her foot and kick her off of me and I throw her into the near by wall as I get up

(SMN): Is that... The best you got?

Venom then smirks as she catches me in a web line and punched me into a car and set an alarm off. I then look at her and notice that the sounds of the car is hurting her so I web up the other cars and force her to escape. I tried to follow her but I lost her...

(SMU): just were are you...

Female Venom x Male Spider-Man readerWhere stories live. Discover now