Immediately almost all eyes were on us, the new girls.

As we made our way up the filled driveway "It's twin nemmm" is all we heard along with some snickers from some hating ass girls like "they not even that cute". And two guys in the cut like "one for me, one for you". EW. We paid no one any mind.

"ANAAA!" We heard a scream once we got inside. I looked forward and here comes the Melody girl making her way through the crowd over to us. Her and Ana exchanges hugs before she looked at me and paused.

"Oh. You brought your sister"
Duh bitch. The hell is that supposed to mean? Please do not let me have to slap this bitch tonight. Chill Giovanni, don't do It. I told myself

Ana giggled "of course"

"Well I'm glad you guys are here, the nights just gettin started. Hey Ana come with me real quick, i got some people i want you to meet"

"Cool, I'll be right back" is all Ana said before being pulled over to a group of girls and before i knew It she disappeared into the crowd.

Can't even lie I'm kinda pissed right now and a little uncomfortable being left alone by myself on a room full of strangers.  I would have never came and just sat my ass home tonight if i knew this is how my night was gonna go.

I was knocked out of my thoughts. No literally, some girl knocked into me almost spilling her drink. She turned and face her attention towards me.

"Oh shit, my bad ma I'm sorry" she was a pretty Spanish girl, my complexion with dark hair like me.

"Don't worry about It." I half smirked

Her eyes dropped to my outfit and up back at me

"Hey cute outfit" she laughed.

I looked down at what i was wearing and then at her. She had almost the same outfit on. Pink shoes with a white jumper similar to mine accept hers was strapless and had "#baddie" across the chest In gold

"You too" and returned the laugh before she too, disappeared back into the crowd.

I looked around the room. There were people dancing, people wall hugging and some groups scattered the room cliqued up. Yet everyone had red cups. Which reminded me, i should probably get to drinking if I'm gonna be stuck here all night.

I looked around once again until i spotted a white table with cups and alcohol sprawled all over It. I shrugged and walked over to It.

I took one of the red cups and filled It with Hennessy and a dash of Coca Cola so i could feel better about my life choices. Here goes nothing. I tilted my head back and chugged half of It. The taste made me scrunch my face up, but the burn went away quick.

"BRITTANY! There you are bitch I've been looking for you for like 15 minutes"

I was being pulled to the back of the house by some nut. She was a really pretty Spanish girl with braces. Wow, really pretty. But still. A nut.

"You have the wrong person" i tried getting out of her grip but she was paying me no attention.

"These bitches don't believe me when i said i can do a cartwheel. But you've seen me do It"

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