Chapter 3: Might

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***About 1am***

I heard a knock on the door knowing it was Liam I bounced towards the door straightening my toy Story PJ's and fixing my hair, I quietly opened the door. Right in front of me was the very sexy Liam in his blue onsie with his hair tousled just the way I liked it. Both of our faces lighted up with a smile when we saw each other, and Liam chuckled and looked down at me.

"I REALLY like those!" he said still laughing.

I blushed, "Really? Toy Story has to be one of my favorite movies!" I said kind of embarrassed since it was a kid's movie.

He laughed and looked suprise," It's my favorite too!!" he whispered.

"Well maybe we have to watch it sometime together!" I told him leading him in my room nd letting him sit next to me on my bed.

'Yeah definitley, I would really like that." he said.

"So...are you doing better?" i asked him.

"I'll be better soon." he told me.

"I know you will! I even did, and you are a whole lot stronger than me." I said.

"Jess you have been through alot this last month. You have to be one of the strongest teenagers i have met." Liam told me.

I sighed, "Well there's a whole lot more that I keep to myself."

"What do you mean?" I sighed starting the story.



I had just gotten back from the mission trip and I missed Justin so much. He gave me a promise ring right before I left and I couldn't help but think of it and touch the whole time in Mexico. I really missed him and I was walking over to his house to surprise him. I rang his doorbell and his mom Melissa answered the door and told me that Justin was upstairs. I really like her she was like a mom to me. I walked up to Justin's door and opened it to reveal him ontop of Jordan. Me and Jordan were friends until she turned evil in 8th grade then became the school slut in high school. I yelled "Its over!! Have fun with this slut!" Justin looked surprised and was trying to calm me down as I slid off the promise ring and threw at him. Tears making my vision cloudy. I looked over at Jordan who had an ugly smirk on his face, "I guess you really are a whore!" i screamed in her face then ran out down the stairs surprisingly not tripping. Melissa started asking what was wrong when she saw the tears dripping down my face, "Why don;t you go upstairs and see for yourself ?" I told her running out the door into the pouring rain. I walked home still crying and clutching my arms. Was I not good enough? Not pretty enough? Was it because I would'nt have sex with him? He tried alot and forced himself on me a couple of times but I loved him. And I thought he loved me.


I looked over at Liam after I finished the story and he was in tears too. 

"Jes you have to be one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid eyes on, and trust me i've met ALOT! You respect yourself and anyone who can't respect that doesn't deserve a girl as gorgeous, smart, loving, beautiful, and STRONG as you. I am so sorry you deserve so much better than that." he told me and I wiped away a tear from his face making him smile.

"Well some good did come out of it! When I was walking home a girl pulled over and gave me a ride home. We went to my house and ended up stuffing our faces with ice cream while watching The Notebook. And that was how I met my bestfriend Megan! Some stories do have happy endings!" I told him and we both laughed.

"I miss her so much!! And my other friends Brittani and Kailyn. Remind me to call them tommorow!" I told him.

We ended up talking the whole night long. He has to be the sweetest boy I have ever met. We laughed and talked about hard times and what we hope for in the future. Hearing him call me beautiful over and over again made my heart race. People tell me that all the time but coming from him in his sweet, caring, perfect voice I actually believed it. I smiled thinking of it and drifted off into a deep sleep in the arms of a boy I think I might be in love with.


I woke up with strong arms laced around my waist. I smiled to myself when I  realized I went a whole night without the nightmares. Ever since we got hit by the car it kept replaying in my head, the car crashing into my mom's seat as my dad swerved and the car barely missed me. My mom's helpless scream loud and scared as the car pierced into her side killing her instantly. I shook my head I didn't want to think about this right now.

I turned over to my side to see Liam's brown eyes just fluttering open and we both smiled as he did a little morning arm stretch. We then sat up and he untangled his arm from around me. 

"Good Morning!" he said in his sexy sleepy morning voice. That has to be the sexiest thing I think I have ever heard.

"Look I'm sorry about last night! I was supposed to help you not cry my eyed out and we shouldn't of slept together, I'M SORRY!!!" I vented him.

Liam chuckled, "It's okay Jes! You helped me realize that there's worst things in life than my girlfriend leaving me for a Jonas Brother!."

"I guess you're righ- WAIT! A Jonas Brother? You are way hotter than any of the Jonas Brothers!!" I said winking at him.

We both laughed and he blushed a little, "Well thank you! But can I use your shower I think I hear the boys and I don't think you want them to see this." he said motioning to us in the bed.

I laughed, "Yeah sure don't want them getting the wrong idea!  So go ahead!!."

He laughed and walked into my bathroom, leaving me alone to think about my feelings. I think I might be in love with Liam Payne.

 **Liam's POV**

I lied I didn't hear the boys and I didn't care if they knew that I spent the night with her, I just really wanted to spend more time with her. I need to remember to call dibs on her, thinking about that I quickly grabbed my phone.

To: Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn

I call dibs on Jesy!

I laughed when all the boys texted back almost the exact same thing, "Not Fair! She's HOT!!"

I hopped into the shower laughing hoping that Jes felt the same way about me. Just thinking about her beautiful face and her vibrant blue eyes that I can always get lost in, it just gave me goosebumps. 

I think I might be in love with Jesy Leanne Williams.

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