real life

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"Tom. Dinner is ready" yelled a voice, which Victoria could only suspect was his mother.

Victoria sent a nervous glance at Tom, the one thing they had forgotten to do was introduce her to his family. She knocked on the door and Tom opened it and they walked up stairs, he saying his mother, brothers and his father was out and about - at least that was what Tom said.

"You did tell your parents i was staying over right?" Victoria asked as Tom suddenly had a nervous smile.

"A nice surprise?" he said.

Victoria had to use all her power not to slap Tom, it was as awkward as it could get. She was in a house, unannounced and uninvited by parents, by all means it was rather frightening.

"Coming Mum" He yelled out.

Victoria watched him get up from the floor he was sitting on and stared at her, gesturing for her to get up. Shaking her head viciously, not wanting to get up from her place. She was forced up Tom up as he pulled on her arms, in her defence he was rather strong. Giving in she followed Tom out of his room to stop him.

"Who on earth has dinner 2 in the morning?!?" she whispered, the sentence caught Tom of guard and he started to laugh. 

He laughed and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, Victoria nervous as walked slowly down the stairs and hid behind a wall. Breath in and breath out she told herself mentally, all she could do is hope Tom had already told his family.

"Is Harrison here?" asked a voice while Victoria knew was his fathers.

"No... More like a cast member?"

"Which film?"

"Civil War"

It stayed silent for a bit, still scared and shaking she breathed in and out and in and out. She knew harry would be on the ground dying of laughter with how she was sorting out the issue, awkwardly. Trying to keep her composure, she continued to breath in and out and in and out. She heard a few voices of 'who?' and that was when she decided, if worse comes to worse go running for the door and keep running until she can't run anymore and hope she runs into someone she knows.

She felt someone grab her wrist and she squeaked loudly, her eyes were wide when she realised Tom had pulled her from her hiding place.

"Family meet Victoria, Victoria meet Family" Tom introduced, awkward as ever.

Instantly she started to bite her lip and look down, to embarrassed to look up. All she knew was the brave and bold girl she is on set and alone with Tom disappeared in seconds. 

"Can we start eating now?" asked one of Tom brothers, unfazed about her being there.

His comment was ignored when they continued to stare at her for a second or so and then told Tom to go grab a chair was the lough room without a second thought. Victoria continued to stand awkwardly as she had no idea what to do. It was a strange feeling, she was so used to doing normal things as her pa pa made sure she could fit into society well but having dinner was not one of them. She dined with the Queen and that itself was very formal and her Pa Pa always ate his dinner in front of the Tv as he loved the shopping channels.

"Sit down dear"

Taking a seat next to a younger boy, the same boy that was unfazed with her being their. Tom walked back in with a chair for the end of the table and sat down, his mother brought over seven plates and glasses while another brother of tom's grabbed the food from the bench, chips from what seems to be from the local fish and chips shop.

"Sorry dear that it is rather late, there is rather good all night sales."

Instantly the table was filled with chatter, something that Victoria wasn't used to. She waited for the chips to be passed over, she put a fair amount on her plate, it was also unusual not to say grace before dinner. She closed her eyes for a few seconds to pray that her Granny doesn't find out, but damn with that her Granny finds out everything.

It turned out she was sitting next to Harry, she finally meet properly with all of Tom's family. There was Paddy in his pyjama's, Sam telling Tom how determined he was to wear his pyjama's to the midnight shopping. Smiling as she ate her chips, without cutlery. Her father always encouraged the use of fingers but it was a hard habit to get rid of after spending three solid years living with her grandmother. After all she lived with her Grandmother from age 9 to 12 and she was the 5th in line for the throne.

"So your the girl that Tom texted me about?" Asked Harry next to her.

"Really?" she said curiosity, seeing Tom talking to his mother about having to return back on set soon she choose to take advantage and learn what Tom had been saying to his brother "What did he say?"

"Something on the line 'She is very beautiful, intelligent and great at acting" Harry said while he stuffed chips in his face, "That is the only thing he texts now, to be honest its a bit annoying"

"What is annoying?" Tom said, as he looked over to Victoria and Harry.

Neither of them said anything and she went to finishing her food, when the late dinner at two in the morning finished. Everyone was excused apart from Sam who had to do the dishes, Victoria and Tom followed his father into the living room where he turned the television on.

"Dad, is it okay for Victoria to stay the night?"

"As long as she doesn't sleep with you"

The blunt answer caught her off guard, feeling offended until Tom's father and Tom started to laugh.

"Kidding. Just keep it quiet up their. Paddy is in a mood."

Tom said goodnight to his father and yelled 'Night' to his mother and Sam. The two walked up the stairs and turned the corner into Tom's room, sitting back on his bed while her face went instantly red.

"What is wrong?" he asked, nearly teasingly.

"You embarrassed me" Victoria replied, quickly grabbing one of his pillows to whack him and them to cover her face.

Nothing was said and Victoria got up to her suitcase, undoing it she grabbed her night-ware. Not wanting to walk into anymore of his family on surprise in case she accidentally screamed in fright, she sent Tom out of his room for her to change. She changed quickly and plaited her hair in pigtails, quickly opening the door for Tom to come back in.

"Where would i be sleeping?" she asked, as she saw no sleeping bags or extra mattress.

"dam it!" she heard Tom say.

"What is it Tom?"

"I didn't really plan where you would be sleeping?" he said slowly and innocently.

"Well then i will have to sleep in your bed."

"Where will i sleep?!?" he asked.

"In your bed?"

He looked confused, Victoria already laying in his bed with the quilts. "We are adults Tom."

"You are 17"

"Who was living older than Robert"

Tom walked over to his closet, to slide the mirror to take off his shirt to put on a winter pyjama which was very similar to the one Paddy was wearing. As awkward as ever, Tom for himself in the bed which was big enough to fit two people. Turning to face Tom, to see an awkward smile on his face, it only made Victoria smile.

Victoria leaned over to kiss Tom's cheek, to feel the red blush to soon appear she said goodnight and turned away from Tom but instantly rolled back to face Tom.

"Vee, wait can i call you that Victoria?" She only nodded, "Good night" he whispered.

With a gentle kiss on the cheek, the two fell asleep at three thirty in the morning.

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