phone call

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Victoria woke up to twelve miscalls from her step father her Pa pa, yawning to find also a near million text messages from Tom and Elizabeth she went straight to her phone app to dial her father's phone as she waited for him to answer.

"Good Morning Victoria, you finally called back"


"Victoria, speak english. We need to have a chat."

"This early in the morning?"

"Its 4 in the morning over here so quite complaining"

"Okay. So what do we need to talk about?"

"You and tom"

Victoria stayed quiet for a long two minutes, unable to figure out who had told her father. Taking a deep breath she spoke.

"About what?"

"Have you not seen the news, pictures of you and Tom are all over the internet. Your faces are on every article"

"i thought you didn't care much of what the internet says?"

"Well i start to give a shit when i know what is happening."

"How what?"

"Darling, i have been around you since you were only 2 and a half. i know that look anywhere."

She took another deep breath Victoria spoke again.

"What look?"

"The look of uncertainty. Do you want to speak about it?"

That was when all the tears and the crying started, sobbing and tears filled the phone for a solid five minutes. Only to be stopped by Victoria herself, trying to control herself.

"I don't  know what to do, i like him more than a friend and i am unsure if i am allowed to"

"Oh honey, why don't you explain that to him? That you are unsure if you can be 'into him."

"Its not that easy"

Victoria whispered, a small whimper came from her mouth only for her free hand to cover her hand.

"Why don't we talk to your Grandmother, Elizabeth and see what she thinks? If he is going back to Britain why don't you invite to stay a day for Christmas?"

"Can i really invite him"

"Even if Granny says no to us being- well a thing?"

"Sure, just no funny business."

"One more question, how did you know he was British?"

"Uh um, you have caught me. Harry is right here feeding me information"

"I find it hilarious that you are not finding it awkward talking to your father about your love life"

"its because i am not her 'real' father, i am just the man that pays for all her school fees. isn't that just honey?"

"good bye pa pa, gossip queen. Thank you for making me happier."

"goodby honey"


Victoria hanged up feeling much better until she remembered, what images were posted to the internet for her father to be calling her at four in the morning?

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