private message

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Victoria Elizabeth Rose
uggh! harry i need to ask you something

Henry Charles Albert David
yes princess?

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
very funny harry -.-
anyways, so how have you dealt with the public shipping with someone...
hypothetically of course

Henry Charles Albert David
I just ignored it, my friends and family new it wasn't true.

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
what happens if your friends are also shipping you hypothetically

Henry Charles Albert David
get some new friends?

Victoria Elizabeth Rose

Henry Charles Albert David
ask them to stop kindly

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
but what if hypothetically you deep down don't want to have them stop and deep down you know that you like the other part of the ship

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
oh okay thank you!
See you soon

Henry Charles Albert David
Goodbye and good luck.
read at 4:51pm (BST)

Henry Charles Albert David
or another idea is to just marry Tom?

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