private chat

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Henry Charles Albert David
Why did you change my name?

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
Granny saw it and was outraged that your full name wasn't used. #sorrynotsorry

Henry Charles Albert David
How is filming Toria?

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
Its so great! Better than any other films of TV i have been in, the cast is great and i have made some new life long friends.

Henry Charles Albert David
Like Tom Holland? What is it with and i quote from your instagram page '#tomria'

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
fans? its not like it hasn't happened in the past

Henry Charles Albert David
well if you can handle yourself then i shall see you soon yes? I believe Christmas with Kate pregnant and mad titan William will be quite the laugh.

Victoria Elizabeth Rose
see you at Christmas! Love you lots Harry

Henry Charles Albert David
Bye cuzzy!
read at 10:32pm (BST)

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