how many parts do I have now?

Beginne am Anfang

19. I actually wanted a chapter here that had the vivid "Two Ghosts" memories before everything goes to wreck without people noticing and yeah, I got to write it a chapter that's full of scenes I imagine whenever I hear the song.

20. Taylor's family's names were pulled out from things, some from my friends so at the very start, I asked my classmates if I could use their names and they said it was fine.

21. I wanted Franco to spoil Taylor a lot more than Harry does because it is in Franco's personality, not that much in Harry's. Plus, I wanted them to have like a brother-sister bond.

22. In this story. . . H and T met on a Thursday. In 1 February 1945 (also 13 December 1945) when the toy shop opened up for the first time was also a Thursday. The last chap was also a Thursday.
P.S. Feb 1 and Dec 13 always falls on the same day apart from leap years. ;) you're welcome for the useless fact.

23. I chose between 'Right Into Place' and 'Pieces Into Place' You guys know what won.

24. Originally, I wanted Scott to be their problem, as in the hindrance. . . But then it came that people end relationships for other reasons, it doesn't always have to be time, distance, or some other third party, sometimes it was just their paranoia and stuff and so. . . yep, the freaking, almost-too-unbelievable plotwist happened..

25. Another proof that even the nicest people break the toughest at times.

26. The ending was. . . not planned.

27. This was, in my opinion, the calmest book I ever had! And I like it that way, planned it that way.

In addition to this whole fun fact thingy, here are some pics (dialogs) that I planned to be there but some weren't. . .

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Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

1945 calendar::::

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

1945 calendar::::

And we're done! One story gone, time for the other one

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And we're done! One story gone, time for the other one.
We're going to play another game, back to the dark side. . .

Stay awesommeee!!!! 😄😋😆😄


Right Into PlaceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt