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Thirteenth of December.

The question as to if she heard me when I said I loved her lingered back in my mind despite my attempts to set it aside. She never said anything remotely close to that. But what if she did and she just didn't want me to feel bad? God, I hope not.

Taylor told me the night before that I should probably just go straight to their family house so I could adjust for a while because she told me it will be weird. So here I am, driving to her house. After quick stops in a trusty light store and a flower shop,  and thenafter, I hit the road.

I am pretty sure she'd like the gift. I know she told me not to give her anything but who in the hell followed by those rules? No one ever does. She mentioned, while we were at the mall that she liked forests and gardens so. . . I thought I'd take them to her room, in other terms, of course.

It was already six p.m. when I got there. I've parked somewhere around the block, leaving every single gift I have in the back of my car because I'll give them later, sometime in private. The house, same as the last time I've been here plays loud music, and it seemed to be the only house alive. Snow already covered their roof and yard as it covered the rest of the houses, Christmas lights are already hung, some decorations are right outside including Santa gnomes and medium sized statues of reindeers. Judging from this, spending Christmas with them is much better.

Good thing I used contacts today, my glasses would have fogged up faster than I could wear them back if I'd wipe them.

Opening the door, it was Lendon who greeted me.

"Nice timing, dude," he said, partly bored. "But  I was just on my way to Taylor."

"On your way?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's in her apartment, we guess." He scratched his head. I figured, he had this mannerism about winking and blinking more than often as he talked but I dared not to comment on it.

"Oh, Harry!" Gary Gleeson, Taylor's father saw me and walked towards me with Brandon behind him. That was all I could see from outside but I know there are a bunch of footsteps running around the house, I could even see their silhouettes pass the windows every once in a while, added by the amount of flashes and noises of things tipping over.

Mr. Gleeson was putting on his scarf when he walked towards the door and Lendon gave him the way by walking up front then sidestepping later. He put his hands in his pockets and that was the last thing I saw before turning my attention back to Mr. Gleeson.

"We were just on our way to her, she seemed to be having a troubled day," he informed.

I talked with Taylor last night, she did sound different but all along she told me not to mind. I thought it was simply a mild thing last night.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, not that I didn't understand, I just didn't know what else to ask. Someone from inside screamed but Mr. Gleeson paid no mind as if it's a common thing to happen in the house. . . it must be.

"See here," He sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Taylor is having what you call, a bad day since her ex showed up earlier this morning."

"Scott went here?" I asked, as if I didn't just hear what he said. I heard it, I know I heard it right I just wasn't sure if I was wrong. . . maybe because I wanted to be wrong.

"And he was the one who really had the audacity to get mad," Mr. Gleeson said. "Holy moly, we still have a lot to do, the Wild West sceneries still —"

"I could fetch her if you lot want," I offered immediately. I wasn't very much focused on the rest of what he's got to say, all I know is I've got to know what's going on with Taylor. "It wouldn't be much of a bother and you lot can prepare my wanted posters."

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