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Sometimes, you didn't mean to go down that road. . . but you still did.

Taylor kissed me back in an instant, barely paying attention to the fact that she is already partly enclosed. My hand travelled to her neck, her jawline and then to the back of her, feeling her tiny movements and her smooth blonde hair at my fingertips.

I adjusted myself, moving myself I bit closer to her. The strangest sensation came over as I moved my hands to different places on her back. I wanted to let the moment linger as it is but I didn't want to slow down. Truth is, I don't want to stop.

She hummed quietly, the sweet vibrations going through my head in a wild manner, it's almost too much of a good thing.

My fingertips touched the bare skin on her hip as her sweater rode up a bit.


I shut my eyes, not wanting to do it. . . , but I have to. I broke the kiss, giving her time to catch up with her breathing.

I smiled at her, licking my lips after. I could still barely breathe and my mind is still running wild. Pressure had already built up inside me but I tried to ignore it by saying, "Not this place, babe."

I kissed her gently on the forehead.

Paris was her ex's and her place, much as she said she had moved on, there's still a difference when she looks back on this place and still think of him. There's a difference in making new memories for the pleasure of having them and making new memories just so they could replace old ones.

I'm not a replacement. I don't want to be.

"Good night." I moved off her bed and walked to the nearby couch.

No words were said after as we dived right into the night.

When I woke up the next day, the place is still dark. Of course, I know it's because her curtains are always down and she doesn't want to see a scene from the outside world. I rubbed my eyes, seeing a simple dark, blurry scene.

I grabbed my glasses from the top of my bag and let my vision adjust. I saw Taylor on her bed typing something on her most trustworthy laptop.

I lifted myself up and walked to the bathroom, I did most of my morning habits. When I walked out, I made sure I was fully clothed as the last time I was shirtless around Taylor, she couldn't look straight. . . in some parts, she stared.

She looked over to me once I did, "Shame, I was looking forward to seeing you only in a towel."

I couldn't tell whether it was a joke or not.

"Coffee here," she said, pointing to the desk.

Following the simple instructions I took the cup, feeling it a bit cold.

"How long since you've woken up?" I asked.

"Fair number of hours ago," she replied.

I looked at my watch and it's five a.m. , I've always been an early bird, I don't know if she is but judging from her face now, how tired her eyes are. . .

"You didn't sleep?"

Not taking her eyes from the screen, she answered, "Just a little bit."

"May I?" I asked, starting to drink from the cold coffee.


"Read what you're writing," I said.

"It's not for the eyes of anyone but me at the moment," she replied.

There was no point pushing that. "Alright then. Call me if you need me." I started walking on ahead and yet I was stopped once more.

"Harry," she called. I turned around, raising an eyebrow. "On second thought, I need a reader's opinion."

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