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It had been days after the New Year, my life was completely the same before I met Taylor but the difference is, we talk during the middle of the night, never caring about the distances and it turned out better than I thought. The nights were wonderful but my days were every bit dull. There are no Thursdays to look forward to anymore.

I get a few costumers here and there but of course, there are also few, "almost customers" who were actually just trying to find the classical cafe. . . two doors to the left.

At most, I've been preoccupied with fixing music boxes, my usual hobby, and searching for nearby toy conventions because I haven't done that in a while with Taylor taking my time on most days when I was with her. I had to resist calling every hour because I haven't been doing much these days. I walk to the mart to buy me some groceries, I walk to the gym, I drive to Cara every once in while, I walk to the bank, —though it's always a long walk—  I pay my taxes, get haircuts and basically my life was back to the way it used to be. I still go to my sister's cafe every once in a while though not us much as I used to. And since I've missed out a lot, it turns out Keith moved somewhere in Dakota and so he had to be replaced by another boy who is eighteen years old according to Vannie. He's a slow one but I spent a few moments conversing with him, just a bit of a background check and then I'm back to my shop.

Even when the days passed by, I still wanted to confront Franco about taking my car and Taylor was the accomplice and none of them would say where they took my old car. I was thankful of the gift, I was, but my old car worked rather well for me.

It was a normal January morning, the snow had just halted but is expected to continue sometime later this week, the winds are colder but with Taylor calling me up every once in a while, the nights felt warmer. I've been by myself, thinking if I should improve the shop so kids would go here. They don't have to buy things, I just want them to take a look and smile but I don't know how that will work. It was already three p.m. and it was about the most boring time of the day.

My phone started vibrating and playing my unworthy ringtone —I'll change it later— and it flashed a picture of me and Taylor on screen. I swiped the screen to the right as quickly as I could.

"It's not midnight," I said with a joking tone, leaning my whole body against the counter, my chest on my arms with the phone in front of me, still flashing our picture.

"What? So I can't call you anytime of the day?" She asked.

"Yes, otherwise you would have caught me redhanded when I'm fucking around," I said, most probably, she frowned during that swear. I could imagine her face and my cheeks are starting to hurt from my smile. Maybe because of all the years that I haven't met Taylor, I didn't smile that much.

"Okay, I'll forgive you this instance," she said, sounding like she's in a hurry. "It's mostly because I need to ask you a favour. Are you busy?"

"I'll check my schedule. . ." I paused for a long time, smiling to myself. "Yep. I'm busy. What favour?"

"Oh, you're starting to joke around," she said softly then laughed. Admittedly, I'm not much of a fan of not being serious at times but it can be nice to joke around. . . otherwise I would end up as they said, 'old and alone.' And she continued, "Listen, Timmy called me up asking for help. He always does and since I'm not there, I couldn't. You're the only one not in the family that I could think of. They can't know."

So far, I'm keeping up. I always knew Taylor and Timothy were rather close, including the fact that they had the same features.

I licked my lips, never bothering to give it a second thought. If it's Taylor I'm talking to, I would always love to say 'yes' to her favours. "Alright. What can I do?"

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