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I kept replaying the images through my head where it went wrong and where it went insane. To speak of the truth, it didn't feel wrong to me.

I rarely took the time to wonder about her because maybe she'd just done it because she felt like it. Maybe it's in her nature. I wouldn't know, I don't know her.

Still, it was mind-boggling. I found myself a bit unable to sleep the next two nights. The rest of the days were alright.

Thursday, a lady, probably in her early twenties came around with someone whom I assume is her boyfriend. I know or a fact that they've made the mistake of coming in here, thinking it might be the coffee shop so I told them where that place is, two doors to the left.

And then, coincidentally, Taylor came in holding two cups of coffee again. It's been a week since we last saw each other and it's a bit awkward seeing her again.

She placed the cup of coffee in front of me with a sticky note that said, "I can explain."

I raised an eyebrow and pushed my glasses up. "You don't have to buy me coffee," I said, seeing as it's a bit uncomfortable for me.

"I buy coffee to all of my friends whenever I pay them a visit," she said and it still isn't a good reason for me. "I can explain."

"Explain what?"

"I--I--" she fiddled with her fingers, now not looking at me directly in the eyes and honestly, it had just gotten tensed. I could feel how nervous she was just by looking at her yet I didn't break her agony. I waited. "You know, why I kissed you. . . I don't really know why I did it."

I didn't react. Not that I want to add too much to the tension but clearly, I didn't have a proper reply for that.

What have I got to say? That I enjoyed it? That I didn't? How was I supposed to answer that?

"That's it? No reply?" She asked, obviously wondering why I did not reply. "Are you real right now?"

I almost chuckled, almost because I found her overreaction amusing yet I held my smile back because she might feel worse. "What do you want me to say?"

"I j-just n-no -- I don't know." She blinked a few times. "Are you okay with it?"

With a stranger kissing me just like that?! No.

"I make exceptions from time to time," I told her, almost completely out of context. I didn't say anything else but that as one wrong move, one wrong word, she might explode.

She opened her cup and took a quick sip, watching my every move even when I'm almost doing nothing.

"I didn't know why I did that."

I was trying to look for regret or sadness or disappointment in her tone or expression. I could barely see anything like that. To be honest, all I see was confusion why she did it. I'm confused too, I don't know why it happened the way it did.

"I don't have answers for you, love," I replied. How was I supposed to know about it? I simply played along. It was not meant to go that way but it did, she made it possible and now she's telling me she doesn't know why.

"I'm confused. And sleepy. . . But more, confused."

She does look like she is. Still, I've got nothing to reply to her.

"I need to write," she mumbled to herself but loud enough for me to hear her. Then, in a rather shrill whisper, she repeated, "I need to write."

Taylor took out a journal and a pen then started writing on the counter. I backed away, not interested in messing with her concentration. Instead, I started walking, looking at the toys on the shelves.

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