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It was three p.m. when Cara went home, looking like a model 24/7 with her jean jacket, black crop top and denim pants. She opened the door awfully loud so I gestured a quiet sign and she understood.

Unfortunately, she had found me trying to read Persuasion by Jane Austen as I was on the floor. I've only read the summary and I was still making my way to the first chapter. My back was against the counter and my feet are outstretched.

"But why?" She whispered.

"Taylor's asleep at the other room," I replied with a smile. The first chapter of Persuasion was had very little dialogue and was more focused on description, as were the rest of Jane Austen's works, not that I've read them whole.

These days, I rarely finish books, only the first chapters before I get bored and move on.

"Taylor is asleep in -- why didn't you take her upstairs?" Cara whisper-yelled, looking absolutely outraged at the simple choice I've made.

"Even if I did, she would still be sleeping on the couch, your bed is a mess. What the bloody hell have you been eating there?" I asked because the usual white sheets had stains, strange in colour.

"It's my time of the month, idiot."

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud. "That is some detail I did not wish to hear. God!"

"What is it with lads and periods?" She asked. "Why are you so repulsed by it? It's a natural thing like pee and poop!"

I groaned quietly, shutting the book off and pushing my glasses up. "Some natural things need not be discussed. Bloody change your sheets."

"Yeah, of course I will! I was just in a hurry this morning."

"You could have at least just removed them," I muttered.

"Yes!" She yelled and I shushed her. "I'm on my way. Just know that I love you, jerk."

"Could you watch out for the shop a moment, I have to go out," I said. "Love you too."

"Yes. No prob."

I walked off to the alley and made my way to my car which, I drove to the nearby supermarket. I know how empty the fridge is at the moment, and of course, the laundry for the weekend but it doesn't really matter. Cara may be my best friend that acts all tough and careless but she's a princess to me.

I bought a few food supplies to stock in the fridge and of course, ice cream and chocolates as Cara cannot go through her "time of the month" without those. She always complained how painful those days were. I would never understand that, so I simply try to get things over with as smoothly as possible.

When I went back, she told me Taylor already left, just a few minutes after I did and she was awaken by Cara's yelling earlier.

"For you," I said, handing her a bag of grocery items.

Cara took it and squealed. "I love you so much right now! Thank you!" She immediately ran upstairs and when I followed, she was already restocking the fridge.

She probably didn't even see me coming.

I helped her restock the fridge and the shelves near my kitchen. Later on, she invited me to watch a sports game with her so I did. She chose to watch a certain game of American Football while eating a double dutch icecream, with bits of chocolates at the top.

"I hope you did change your covers," I said as right now we are seated on her bed.

She scoffed and dug her spoon on her icecream. "Course I did. Those were your sheets. Embarrassing enough as it is."

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