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By the end of the evening last night, Taylor got two dolls from Krizzle and Mae Ann, one Magic 8-ball from Timmy, a pair of trainers from Lendon, a hoodie from Brandon, a duffel bag from her father and a rather thick coat from her mother. I reckon they're getting her prepared for the whole two-month trip she had that goes from January to sometime after February. After midnight, I left her apartment and headed to my place where I rested.

The next day, I still wasn't in the proper mood to open my shop so I went to central NYC where another toy shop resides. I've got no problem with competition, it's not that much of a deal and besides, I am fascinated by the creativity of how their shops look. Sometimes I want to put in as much effort as they do but once I actually start, I lose the knack unless I have someone with me.

Sometime around Wednesday afternoon, Taylor came by with her usual treat of coffee and sunshine personality that really clears the air of the snowy scenery.

She removed her green beanie once she's inside and shook her head to remove the bits of snow that stuck in her curly hair.

"Aftie," she greeted and smiled.


Taylor placed the coffee right in front of me then went back near the entrance to hang her coat on the rack and placed her bag on my counter. "Got the schedule," she announced.

"What schedule?"

"My two-month European expedition?" She asked as if she mentioned a European expedition when I could recall a world expedition. "Got it and well, started from the 29th of December to sometime March. There's a place there that has an excellent New Year so, we have to go."

I didn't like that. I didn't like that she'd be gone for months. I didn't say it though.

"That's a rather long time," I said.

"Well, yeah. You should've seen me in my Asian expedition, that one lasted six months."

"I can't really come with you?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No."

"Keep me updated where you are, trust me, I'll find a way." I took a cup of coffee and thanked her for it, I know it's black anyways.

"Harry, I'm not asking you to," she reminded in a gentle voice.

I took a quick sip, "And I'm not asking your permission. Tell me where you are, every time, kay? Should you encounter trouble, call me, I'll come running."

"That's very sweet, babe. I'll try to remember that."

She stayed around even until past midnight when she's ordered another batch of coffee and took my dad's journals to my room. She didn't read them, she just took them to my room and then kept on asking me where I got which toys and such.

She had a certain mood today as she let her phone play through those lovely classical songs. She's actually quite adorable that way.

My room was quite dark, there was barely a light on, all the rest of the illumination was from my phone, hers and the moonlight with my windows open as we were both seated in front of a table, in front of each other as if we're trying to interrogate each other when in reality, it's simply just a question game. As of now, the category was, things we can do that is slightly out of the ordinary, or things we did that was not that normal.

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