the real shooting star

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I get up from my bed early because I haven't sleep in that whole night thinking about everything, I went in my bathroom and prepared for this day. I wore a simple dress and a 3 inch heal. I wore the necklace that Winston gave me and when it hanged in my neck I cant help to look at it. Its very perfect, he really know me. I was infront of the mirror when my mom knock on my door. I opened it and smiled at her.

"look at you dear, you really look perfect. Congratulations" she said and lifted a box I get the box and smile at her.

"thanks mom"

"lets go your grandparent are waiting outside"



I walk with her down and meet them. They hug me and kissed me after giving their gift and her fiancé gave his very first gift to me. I didn't open it up and take it in my room. We went in the graduation ceremony with a smile, I hope my smile is not fake. I was watching the road when my phone rang. I take it and it was dad. I look at my mom on my side and she nodded. I answered his call

"hello dad"

"oh baby congratulations im so very proud of you"

"thanks dad"

"wait for my present ill send it today"


"I hung up I need to do something goodbye my beloved dear baby"

He ended the call. We arrived in there on time. Happy parents was there and also happy students and yes I am happy that I will graduate but I cant be so happy. I seat on my alloted chair and wait for the ceremony to start. Like any other ceremonies it started with the singing of the national anthem then ended with picture taking. I didn't pay much attention in everything that happened because im looking for someone and I haven't saw him in the ceremony. I went to my friends and congratulated them and also asked where Winston and they don't know. I went on the green house in the school ground after the hello's and hi's in the hall. I seat in my usual seat across the seat of Winston while his reading and im painting and we just seat there quietly doing our things but when the two noisy cymbal came our world will be destroyed but it's somehow great and happy. Then I look at the open field were Kit and the dance club rehearsed I haven't feel anything. Did I really like kit. I look down and take the little leaf that fall in the ground, I turn it around and I saw a word that written in its back it say' "I was there in everywhere you go." I put it down and pick the other leaves and turn it to find another message but I find nothing it's the only one.

"I was there in everywhere you go" I repeated "I was there in everywhere you go." I stand up when I realized who wrote it. I look around the greenhouse but I found no one, his gone. My shoulders was down and my eyes was fixed in the ground when someone hold my hand. I look up quick because its might be him, it might be Winston but in my dismay his not.

"your looking for someone?"

"no.i just went here to see the place I'll miss this place this summer"

"your lying ."

"im not kit"

"ok then ahmmm your mom is looking for you. And I ask her if I can have you for this day, just this day."


"because I'll be going away tomorrow to my aunt." He said with a sad eyes his a little bit pleading also. I nod at him and held my hand. He accepted it and smiled at me. We went on his car and he drove silently in to a fast food and takeout food then he drove again in the place where we usually go. He got a picnic blanket that we seated in. we ate in silence while watching the lake and the little waves that the fallen leaves made. After eating he lay down and pull me to his side. He hugged me on my waist.

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