pain removes

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"Hey Charisel dear are you busy"

"yeah Jonah im busy preparing for the final exam. So ill hung up. I said trying to remove the phone in my ear.

"OK then just open up your door so we can have a group study."


"Yes Charisel dear we are outside Helen and me, about Winston if you want to ask well his doing something. But I think he just don't want to see something here that's why." Jonah said on the other line

" What something is that? I asked with curiosity.

"I don't know you should ask him but first open up the door so we can eat the sizzling hot chicken already before it will get cold." She said excitedly

"ok just a minute".

I rushed to the door and open it up for them. The two just get in like im a shadow, as ever Jonah went straight in the kitchen and rule it while Helen seat in my sofa like she owned it and open the television and watch. No one was paying attention to me so I can call up kit. I take my phone and find his number.

"I 'll call kit to join us." I said

"no you wont." Helen said without removing her eyes in the television

"why not.?" I asked with a surprise in what she just said

"Because you need to call Winston first". Jonah said in the kitchens door

"oh.! Ok. I'll call him.

I dialed his number but his not taking it up it was just ringing. I called him 5 times but his not really picking it up. I turned to them and said " his not picking it up guys"

"try the telephone Jonah said while preparing the table."

"ok" I turn to the telephone and once again punch his number but his still not picking it. I've tried again and again but theirs no answer.

"his not really picking it up maybe his busy." I said with a shrug

"oh I just knew that you easily give up. Charisel! Helen said while looking straight at me.

"no im not. How can you say that.! I said

"then why your quitting." Helen raised her voice

"im not quitting.! What's your problem Helen?" I said with my voice a little bit raised.

Helen stand up from the couch and look at me face to face, I know she's mad from the look of her face and in her eyes was anger. But in what particular reason was she's mad

"I don't have a problem maybe you have a problem Chari?

"What's wrong with you Helen?"

"Nothing was wrong.!!!!!! Charisel nothing.!

"Then what? I said

"What.. Huhhhh what? You know your such a blind girl. A blind..... You don't know that theirs someon.......

"Who's blind?

We both look in the door where the voice came from, Helens aura got lighten up and she walk pass me through the kitchen. Jonah got out from the kitchen and went straight to Winston.

"hey guys what's wrong with Helen? Winston im glad you came". Jonah said while walking towards Winston she kissed Winston in the cheeks and smiled.

"Im calling your phone.. I said

"oh im sorry I left my phone at home wait up ill just talk to Helen excuse me." Winston walked pass us into the kitchen.

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