Chapter 6 - Logic and Lying Arts

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"Yeppp." He replied, obviously not understanding that it was weird to have a Logics class. Deciding to let it go, I simply followed him in silence.

"After you." He ushered me into the room, and instantly all eyes were on me.

Oh how I just LOVE attention..

The teacher even took off his glases, wiped them off, and out them back on, just to make sure I wasn't in his imagination. As Blake walked me to an empty table, all eyes were still on me, looking at me as if I were some kind of alien or something.

"Yes, I'm a girl. Believe it or not!" I snapped. All heads turned towards the teacher while Blake merely chuckled beside me. The teacher coughed loudly.

"Um. I'm Mr. Dimwits"

No way. Dimwits teaches logic? Excuse me while I go die of laughter.

"Ms. Porter, do tell what you find so humorous?" I sunk down into my chair as my laughter died out.

"Erm. Nothing sir."

"Wrong. But I'll let it slip. Mr. Hunter! If someone tries to punch you what do you do?"

"Uh dodge or block?" A cute guy in front of me replied.

"Correct! Mr. Conover, if you're trapped in a room full of armed men, how do you get out?"

"Shoot your way out?" A not so bright looking guy said. Some guys snorted.

"Suppose you lack weaponry? Then what?"



"Create a distraction..." Mr. Dimwits nodded. "Or you could always go with the classic 'I have to go to the bathroom' line," he joked, causing us all to laugh.

This class was weird. What did you get out of this? Ugh.



"Suppose you space out while walking home and someone attempts to kidnap you. What are your first instincts?"

Thinking about it, I didn't really know.

"I'd use my epic ninja skills." I blurted out before realizing what I was actually saying. Covering my mouth, I could feel my face heat up as everyone cracked up.

"Excuse me?"

"Uh. I mean. I would make sure they don't have a weapon... Then best the shi-... Crap out of them."

"What if they're stronger than you?"

"Then I'll catch onto their weaknesses and use it against them."

"Excellent." He said in approval, causing everyone to looked shocked.

What was it now? Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Blake motioning for me to come closer. Pulling his face close to my ear he whispered softly.

"He never gives out should feel proud." I have him a "wtf" look.

Was he being legit? Ugh great now ill be seen as the teachers pet.

Fuck my life.

Lying Arts

As soon as the bell rang, I was out of the room. What kind of school has a freaking class called Logic? Like seriously? I rolled my eyes. Scanning the hallways, I searched for Nick.

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