Chapter 2-The Family Secret

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Dedicated to cutelilly for being awesome and random(:

Chapter 2

The Family Secret

What were my parents doing here? I hadn't done anything, or caused any trouble...yet. I looked back and forth between my parents and the old man in front of me. He was obviously the principal. He was a short, white man wearing a black suit and a purple tie.

"I like your tie." I complimented. He regarded me and rudely told me to sit. So I did. "Why you're very welcome Mr. Principal..." I thought to myself as I waited for someone to fill me in on what was happening, but they all just sat there looking at one another. It was almost as if they were frozen in time. Finally, I lost it, jumping to my feet and breaking the silence. "What the hell is going on?"

"Language." The principal stated in a monotone voice. Oh, so he does talk. My mom stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder, lightly. I looked up at her and realized how much we looked alike. She was in her mid-40's, but looked like she was only in her early-30's. People never believe me when I tell them she's my mom. She had the same black hair and delicate looking face as me. The only difference was our eye color; hers were green while mine were blue. Hers were a grassy green and mine were a glossy sky blue. She looked me in the eye.

"Honey, I think it is about time we told you the truth." Her and dad exchanged a look. Wait, what were they talking about? The truth slowly sunk in.

"What!" I screamed, realization hitting me hard. How could they? All that fighting for the past few months... They were getting divorced? "Why? Don't you love each other?" I exclaimed, tears building up in my eyes as I flailed my arms about. They both gave me a strange look.

"Of course I love your mother." My father stated. I gaped at him, like he was stupid.

"Then why are you filing a divorce?" I questioned loudly. The principlal, my mom, and my dad looked at each other and burst into uncontrollable laughter. I could feel my anger bubbling up inside of me and my face turn red. There was nothing funny about divorce! As their laughter slowly died down, my father approached me and placed a steady hand against my back.

"Sweetie, we aren't getting divorced." I swear my mouth hit the floor when he said that.

"What!" I shrieked. They just laughed at me again and patted my head, like I was some sort of animal. I shooed their hands away and placed my hands on my hips. "Then tell me what the heck is going on! Just tell me what you have to say that's oh-so-important already!" My dad coughed.

"Well, you know your brother-" I cut him off like the rude person I was.

"No father, I do not know my dear brother Brad. Of course I know him dad!" What kind of a stupid question was that?

"Dammit, Alexis, just let me finish talking." Hmph. I sat back down and crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly. I made a gesture, waving him on to continue with his speech. "Well, you see." No I don't see, because you won't tell me...I muttered under my breathe to which I received a silent glare from my mom telling to me to shut up. "He didn't actually go to college-"

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