Chapter 4 - Gotta Love my Dad

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Chapter 4

Gotta Love my Dad

 It's Saturday, Saturday

  Gotta get down on Saturday

  Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

  Saturday, Saturday

  Gettin' down on Saturday

  Everybody's lookin' forward to the... weekday?

Feeling refreshed and ready, I sang along with Rebecca Black's "Friday", only my version being "Saturday". Standing on my bed, I started jumping around and singing into my hairbrush. Feeling like a fool, I kept jumping. It's not like anyone was watching... what did I have to lose? As the song changed, I Never Told You What I Do For a Living came on. Excitedly, I smiled. I loved this song.

 Another knife in my hands

  A stain that never comes off the sheets

  Clean me off

  I'm so dirty babe

  The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes

  I keep a book of the names and those

  Only go so far 'til you bury them

  So deep and down we go

  Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace

  I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day

Dancing around my bed and singing along made me feel like a kid again. You know that loose feeling it gives you? That's what I was feeling. I felt like I could fly! But I knew better than to do that, I'm not THAT stupid. Okay... so maybe I was at some point in my life.

You still are.

A voice in the back of my head told me. I stuck my tongue out to the voice. Hearing a low chuckle behind me, I lost my balance and fell off my bed, landing on the floor. Wow, talk about deja vu. This time, there was full out laughter. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and smacked him in the face.

"Hey! How long have you been here?" I asked, my face as red as a tomato.

"Long enough." He replied, smirking. I hit him with the pillow again.

"Exactly HOW long Nick?" I pushed, curious.

"Since I Never Told You What I Do For a Living... You know, you're a good singer." I blushed even more. Crap, he saw all of that?


"Cause, it seemed like you were enjoying yourself. I didn't want to disturb you." He pouted slightly, "Don't be mad Lex..." I tilted my head to the side.

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