Chapter 5 - You Must Be My Roommate

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Chapter 5

You Must Be Roommate

Placing my final bag in the car, I suddenly felt nervous. What if I didn't fit in? Sure, my parents were spies... but could I ever be one?

Surely I'd fail; just like I do at everything else in life. My head spun at the thought of this. I was bad at making friends, due to my weirdness. I always spazzed out and people wouldn't except me for me. Thankfully Nick puts up with me.


My stomach became knotted in a twist. I don't know how I felt about him. Lately, I've noticed I'm a bit attracted to him. But he'd never like me back... so why ruin our friendship by confessing? I wasn't going to risk it. It never works out. One question remained in my mind.

Would he miss me?

Or would he completely forget about me...

I shoved those thoughts out of my head, and took a deep breath.Who cares? I'll be gone for a while. No one will notice I'm gone. It's not like anyone will pay attention to the fact I've suddenly gone missing...


"Honey! The car's loaded, we should go." My mom yelled from inside the car.

"Mmm'kay, mother dearest.." I replied sarcastically, sliding into the backseat. She shot me a smile from the front, and off we were.

Goodbye horrid life of mine.....

Plugging in my headphones to my iPhone, and blasting some music, I shut my eyes.

I threw a wish in the well,

Don't ask me I'll never tell.

I looked at you as I fell,

And now you're in my way...


Hm? I warily opened my eyes and checked my lock screen to see I had a new text. From Nick.

Have fun. I'll miss you loads. Keep in touch. xx Nick

I vaguely remember smiling at this, before I was taken over by my tiredness.



"Ahhh, what!" I yelled, sitting up forward. I looked down at the phone in my hand, with the volume turned up all the way.

Damn volume... you woke me up... I cursed inside my head. Then I realized we had just stopped moving. Scratching the back of my head, I investigated my surroundings. We were parked in an open parking lot, surrounded by fancy looking gates.



Then I laid my eyes on the school.

Holy fudgsicles on fire. I'm gonna like it here, I thought in awe. This school was ah-may-zing! It was gigantic, and the architecture was beautiful! I was a sucker for good architecture...weird, I know, but whatever. There were pretty little flowers surrounding every building.

Then I noticed no one else was in the car with me... really mom? You left your own daughter in your car. Pffffffft horrible parenting much? I grunted, and shoved open my door.

Fine, I'll get out myself, no thanks to you mother.

As soon as I had gotten out, I regretted wearing really, really, majoristically, short pink shorts... If I had worn normal jean shorts, maybe it would have been a bit more...less obvious. I felt so stupid, standing in my pink shorts and a white cropped shirt that said "Wild Child" in pink, to match. Everyone surrounding me, weirdly enough all guys, were wearing a navy blue uniform. All navy blue. All guys. I felt like such an outsider. I felt like a tiny ant. And judged. Some guys gave me a confused/curious look, some a hungry look, and others...a disgusted look.

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