Chapter 3 - Awko-Taco's

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Chapter 3 - Awko-Taco's

As I felt something move against me, my eyelids automatically flew open. Sun was pouring through my window, the light bouncing off my sparkly floor.

"Gah!" I yelped, while covering my eyes with one hand. Once again, I felt something shift. Or maybe someone. I went to get up, but something was holding me back. A pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. Oh man. What'd I do this time? I swear I didn't get drunk... Although that has happened before...No need to re-visit that.

"Eihggj..." I jumped out of the mystery guys arms, startled by the sound he made, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Ouchee..." Rubbing my butt, I got up.

"Oh...Hey, sorry, are you okay? I see you're up..." I looked up to see Nick staring at me, questioningly.

"Yeah, I'm up. Um. No offense or anything, but what're you doing here Nick? Did I get drunk again...?" I didn't really want the answer to that one. He looked at me funny, then chuckled.

"No, you didn't get drunk." He smiled. "How're you feeling?" What was he talking about?

"I feel awesome thanks for asking! So what happened?"

"After you came back from the principal's office, you came back to class and fell asleep. I woke you up when the bell rang, but you were....sorta outta it. So I took you to the nurse, and it turned out you had a fever." Huh. Interesting. Wait...

"Then why are you still here?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Oh. Because I had to carry you inside the house, but your parents weren't home...and you wouldn't let go of me, so I sat down on your bed....but I guess I fell asleep. Sorry." He replied sheepishly. I giggled.

"S'okay." I searched the room for my clock, looking for the time.



"Nick! It's 10:00! We're late for school! Oh my god, I gotta get dressed...gah!" As I paced back and forth, I decided to go to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth I mumbled to myself. "Stupid alarm clock...Why didn't it ring? Ugh. Now I'm going to be is Nick! ...I can't afford another tardy!" I spit into the sink, and rinsed the toothpastes down the drain. When I walked back into my room, Nick was on the floor shaking. I rushed to his side. "Oh my God! Nick, are you okay?" He turned over to face me, and I saw tears falling down his face.

"Nick? What's wrong goddamnit!" He stopped shaking for a minute, and started laughing loudly. And I mean LOUDLY. With a capital L-O-U-D. I hope the neighbors aren't sleeping... "WHAT NICK! TELL ME WHAT THE FUDGE IS SO FUNNY!" He wiped a tear from his eye.

"HAH! You thought....we were late! That your alarm clock didn't - HAH! work...Dude! Check the day!" As he finished, he started cracking up again. I crossed my arms over my chest.

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