Kokichi gets high again

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Ouma: K-k-k-k-Kokichi! K-k-k-k-Kokichi! K-k-k-k-Kokichi! K-k-k-k-Koki--

Rantaro: Ouma I swear to god shut up!

Ouma: Oh come on Boots, it's our theme song!

Rantaro: I'm Rantaro.

Ouma: Boooooooooots.

Rantaro: Stop.

Ouma: Hey Boots where's Map?

Rantaro: I told yo--

Ouma: *picks up Ryoma* Oh here he is!

Ryoma: Oof-- *squishes*

Ouma: Haha Map is squishy *squishes Ryoma*

Ryoma: Please no

Iruma: Hey where the hell did Pooichi put my dildos?

Ouma: Hi Backpack I've been looking for you.

Iruma: Wait wtf--

Ouma: *straps Ryoma to Miu and ties Miu to himself* Okay Boots we're ready to go looking for the magic beans!

Rantaro: For the last time--

Ouma: MAP. Where is the Secret Temple with the magic beans?

Ryoma: According to my Hoshi senses, you gotta go across the marshes, over the river and through the woods, past Grandma Hoshi's house... to sum it all up we've still got


Rantaro: Someone please kill me.

Tsumugi: That can be arranged...

Ouma: *breaks Tsumugi's neck* SWIPER NO SWIPING

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