"Well I know you have never really liked me"

"And you still wonder why?" I asked rolling my eyes

After having lunch I went back to Kevin's place with the bag Hannah had brought for me but I went back home because he told me that they had an emergency at the hospital so he wasn't sure what time he would go back home. I had no plans of staying at his place alone.

I didn't get to see him for the rest of the weekend and even though he had texted me I just felt weird that I hadn't seen him since we had sex. I mean I woke up to an empty bed in the morning and I know he had no choice but I just didn't feel like replying to his text messages which were piling up now.

School went on as usual and I had to decide where I would do my attachments. It was better to give the university the name of the school I was going to go to in advance. My mother wanted me to go back home and Hannah wanted me to stay here so I hadn't decided yet. After ignoring Kevin's calls and texts for the whole week he stopped. I felt a little disappointed but then he was bound to stop eventually. I had assignments I had planned to do over the weekend so I stayed in my room the whole Saturday afternoon to get them done because Hannah, Anne and I planned on going for a movie later on in the evening.

Most of the marks Kevin had left on my body had now faded but there were some stubborn ones especially around my neck that were still showing. It was cold outside so I was happy that I could put on a scarf and look normal. I had spent the whole week putting on weird outfits that would at least cover up the marks.

We all decided to watch a Bollywood movie which seemed more interesting than the other ones that were showing. After it was done Anne left with a friend that she had met while we were there. His name was Brian and it turned out that they had a thing that wasn't really a thing

I went to Hannah's room because I didn't feel like sleeping alone. We took the TV up to her room and decided to watch supernatural. I was a big Dean supporter while she was team Sam all the way.

"Are you still ignoring him? It's been a week Bridget"

"Yeah... and I still feel banged and used"

I had told Hannah about what happened but not in detail... that's stuff I want to keep to myself and she didn't want to hear it.

"Banged and used... really" she said lifting an eyebrow "Just talk to him about it"

"I know but there is nothing he can do about it. Leave it to me to date a med student"

My phone buzzed so I picked it up and found that it was a text from Kevin. Seeing his name on the screen put a smile on my face

"So you don't want to talk to him but he sends you a text and you start smiling. You're lucky you found someone patient"

Baby Blue: Hello Beautiful

I read the text but didn't reply...... I like it when he calls me beautiful

Baby Blue: So I guess you are still ignoring me

I actually contemplated replying to his text till I read his other one

Baby Blue: At least tell me why you are ignoring me

I put my phone on top of the drawer and groaned into my pillow. I realised that ignoring him for the whole week wasn't one of my best ideas. I was having one of those moments where I realised that I didn't even know if my reason for ignoring him was justifiable. I should have probably just talked to him about it. I decided to go to sleep and deal with the issue the next day because I suddenly felt tired.

Baby BluesWhere stories live. Discover now