first video games

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dear mom,

mommy, after i got suspended from school, 

cedric came over to our house.

i don't know how he found out our address.

but, oddly, he showed up to the front door with this stack of video games.

we ended up playing various video games for hours. 

then, eventually, he told me how it was time for him to go home. 

he told me how he would come back soon.

then, he left and i was all by myself again. 

oh. mommy, actually this is kind of funny.

but, he forgot to take the games with him.

so, i decided, why not play some more? 

i don't want to brag or anything.

but, mommy, i think i'm starting to really love this game! 

its a action/fighting/adventurous sort of game! 

its a whole of fun! 



scribbled on video game summary while she continues playing until the sky becomes dark outside. 

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