Pirate Adventures AU

Start from the beginning

"It would appear that there are guests on our ship, perhaps they have something to do with her sudden disappearance." Sebastian held a thick piece of severed rope in his hand and smoke began to roll off Ciel's head. "They cut my ship loose!!" His voice echoed the dock and Sebastian searched around for a small paddle boat of some sort. "There we are.." He mumbled and made his way around to the tiny boat. "We can just borrow this, come then, I'll paddle."

"Well at least she isn't far.." Ciel commented as he stepped down onto the boat and Sebastian began to row. "I just hope they don't wake miss Elizabeth.." Sebastian added to the conversation as he plowed their way through the waves.

"Eh, she'll be up soon. There's a storm rolling in and she can't sleep very well through them."

"That must be why we've been docking for storms lately." Sebastian smirked and looked up at the still standing Ciel. "..What?" He arched a brow and folded his arms tightly over his chest, "Don't you know by now that if Elizabeth isn't happy, none of us can be happy. I'm doing my best to keep the peace, you know, you should be thanking me." Sebastian only smiled a very knowing smile and as they approached the large vessel they began to hear what sounded like splashes.

"Are they bloody jumping?"

Ciel reached out and grasped one of the ropes hanging from the deck to pull himself up. Sebastian climbed behind him and they perched themselves on the railing once they reached the deck. Just as they had suspected, people were jumping overboard.

"Ah, she's awake."

Bard was leaned against the base of the crows nest in an attempt to catch his breath when he noticed the captain and his first mate. "Ah, she's right real bloody cheesed off today, cap'n."

Another one overboard, accompanied by a confirming splash. Elizabeth tossed a man down on the deck at Bard's feet. "Take anything gold off him and toss him. We need to finish picking up our supply and head to the next town."

"That's an excellent idea." Ciel remarked from the side of the deck. "Oh, you're back already. Sorry about the ship, darling. Bard had his hands full."

"I can see that. No worries here.. we can just head back and finish up. You sure you don't want to dock here? There's a storm coming in."

"I don't want to sleep at this dock, with all these misfits roaming around." Ciel nodded and watched as Bard pulled some gold pieces from the mans person. Elizabeth stretched, a pair of swords still in her hands, and yawned. Most failed to notice that she was still in her silk nightgown, having not even changed before coming out to rip the heads off poor unsuspecting men. Ciel didn't fail to notice, however. "Why are you fighting men in something so skimpy??" He tossed his long coat over her causing her to drop both her swords. "Stop standing there and flaunting everything, get to bed if you're that sleepy." Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at him and wrapped herself in his jacket, "I only came to help. I didn't have time to think about clothing. You should be more appreciative." Ciel motioned toward the door leading below deck and rolled his eyes. "Yes, I heard you." She practically growled as she scurried below deck.

With that being said, once she was gone Ciel turned his attention to Bard whom was tossing the last of their problems overboard. He dusted his shirt off afterward and turned to face both his captain and Sebastian. "Alright then, let's get this cargo loaded."

"You are a piece of work, Bard." Ciel said while shaking his head.


"How many men did you throw overboard?" Sebastian inquired. Bard looked over his shoulder at the man he had just tossed, "Uh, one?"

"You mean to tell me, you sat there while a woman ran at least 15 men off my ship all by herself? That's just bloody shameful." Bard bit his lip and glanced over at the door leading below deck before looking back at Ciel, "Cap'n, that's not a woman."

"It's not?"

"No.." He lowered his voice as he continued, "That's your wife..which is much much worse."

"Pfft." Ciel practically snorted as he stepped out onto the deck and headed below, "Sebastian get us to port and load what is left." Sebastian picked up the two swords Elizabeth left behind and nodded, "Yes, sir."

Ciel shook his head as he stepped below deck. He wanted to be upset with Bard, but he was right. Elizabeth wasn't just a woman, she was his wife. That said more about her mental state than anything else. She wasn't just crazy..

When the two first wed there had been quite a bit of uproar, especially from those that knew of Ciel on a more personal level. They were all in disbelief to say the least. None could believe a woman could even stand to be in the same room as Ciel, much less actually marry him. However, when those people met and got to know Elizabeth a bit more they came to fear her even more so than they did Ciel.

Ciel stepped into his private quarters and stripped himself of his belt and sword. His boots went next, followed by his shirt. His jacket was hanging by the door upon his arrival and he could make out, what looked like, Elizabeth curled up under some wool blankets.

She'd been very sea sick lately and that wasn't like her at all. Both of them had grown up on the water and getting sea sick usually meant they were coming down with something more serious. This is why he would order the ship to dock more than usual, he just wanted her to rest well in hopes that she would sleep it off or something.

Ciel laid on the only unoccupied side of the bed, as Elizabeth loved to stretch out in her sleep. She was already snoozing once again. Ciel gently brushed a strand of curled hair from her forehead and smiled. She reacted to his touch by pulling him in and using his chest as a pillow. He could never really get a break.. even when she was asleep. He looked down at her sleeping features and ran his fingers through the length of her hair. Now was a good time for a nap..

His arm was draped over her back and his opposite hand rested on one of her arms. The last thing he remembered seeing was her quiet sleeping features resting against his bare chest before he drifted off to sleep as well.

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