The Big News!!!

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I ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ EᑎᒍOY ᖇEᗩᗪIᑎG TᕼIᔕ ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ! I KᑎOᗯ I ᕼᗩᗪ ᖴᑌᑎ ᗯᖇITIᑎG IT!!!!!


~about a month later~

Erza woke up beside Gray and he was already dressed ready to go downstairs to the guild. Erza smiled at him, "Go ahead... I'll be down in a few minutes" Erza stood up and put on her white blouse and blue skirt. She didn't know why but she didn't feel like she needed to wear armor today.

Gray met her at the end of the stairs, "Good morning love, how are you?". Erza nodded "Good. And you?"

Gray nodded and smiled delightfully, "I couldn't be better!". Gray grabbed her hand, "But I would be better if I get to do what I WAS planning on doing a long time ago." He pulled Erza out if the guild and back into the secretive spot where he had taken her that night. "Erza... I'm sorry, are you mad?" Erza shook her head "No. No. No. It's perfectly alright." Gray smiled and fell back onto the grass and Erza laid down beside him.

They sat there talking about countless things for hours on end. They had been there for 3 hours now. Gray finally realized why he came again. He stood up pulling her with him.

"Erza... You're the sun to my sky. You're the water to my sand. You're the frosting to my cake" before continuing he winked at Erza at that part, "I promise to love you until the world ends. Erza I love everything about you. Your hair. Your eyes. Your spirit. Your courage. Your beauty." He put his hand on her cheek gently and smiled. "I want to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you and you only. The person who makes me happy." He knelt down on one knee he pulled a small box out of his pocket.

Erza's mouth dropped and her whole face got hot and her skin tone matched the color of her hair. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears of joy. She honestly felt like she was going to faint. She didn't let him finish anything he was about to say. She knew the next few words that would pop out of his mouth. She collapsed onto her knees and embraced him.

Gray fell onto his back pulling her on top of him. "Erza will you marry me?"

"...You didn't even have to ask.. But my answer is yes." Erza smiled as a few tear hit her face, tears of joy of course!

Gray reached up to her face and took his thumb and wiped away her tears from her face. His hands shook as he opened the box and pulled out the ring.

~The Ring: A completely silver ring with a diamond resting on top with gold swirling around it and the entire band.

Before he could put the ring on she moved her head from the air to his shoulder. Gray kissed her head and tilted it up and grabbed her hand and slipped it on her ring finger and kissed her hand.

~Later that day~

The soon-to-be married couple walked back to the guild to announce the news. They walked in and got everyone's attention. "Listen up everyone! We have news!" Gray shouted. "We're getting married!!!" Erza exclaimed as she held up her hand that had a shiny ring on it. Everyone started gathering around congratulating him. The girls admirin Erza's ring and the guys.... Well whatever they do...

Everyone was served a glass of wine. Erza sat next to Gray leaning her head back against him. "Are you gonna drink that?" Natsu asked pointing at Erza's drink. Erza looked at the drink and hesitated, "Oh no, go ahead and take it!" Erza said delightfully.

Lucy looked at her for a second, "Erza, you're never one to turn down a drink. Are you feeling alright?". Erza nodded, "I'm fine... Just not in the mood." Lucy tilted her head, "Is there something you need to tell us? You seem a bit guilty..." Erza sighed "Fine I...."



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