Part 31 - 6th October 1969

Start from the beginning

"About five minutes ago my love, we traveled here together." He smiled, "Open it and then we can get moving. Your groom awaits you!"

Lucy tore the pretty paper from the parcel and found a neat box. She opened it and gasped. "On my goodness!"

"What is it?" Sue asked excitedly, hurrying over.

Lucy lifted a large oval locket from the box. "It's stunning!" she whispered. There was a piece of paper in the box with something written on it. "What does this say?"

Sue read it. "Open the locket."

Lucy pressed a tiny catch which make the locket click open. Inside there were four little picture frames, one showing Paul, the second a picture of Lucy with the remaining two empty. "This will be for the twins when they arrive!" she whispered, completely in awe. "Please, help me to put it on!"

Sue fastened the chain and Lucy stood and admired it in the mirror. "I love it and it falls just right with the neckline of my dress!"

Daniel looked at his watch. "It's ten minutes to eleven Lucy love. Are we ready to go then sweetheart otherwise Paul will be thinking you're not coming!"

Lucy turned and nodded. "Almost!" She picked up the ring of flowers she was going to wear in her hair and placed it. "How that?"


"Right dad," she grinned at Daniel, "Are you ready to give me away?"

Daniel studied her for a moment. He smiled proudly at her. "If I have to then I suppose I'm ready."

Lucy held her arm out to him and they linked each other.


She turned. It was Sue.

"Wheelchair. Sorry doctors orders."

She nodded and did as she was told. The walk to the chapel was brief and once outside Lucy stood up again.


Lucy nodded.

Sue slipped inside to let Paul know she was here. The sound of music filled the room. Lucy listened for a brief moment. It was Paul singing something, very quiet and sweet. He'd told her he'd written something just for the wedding so she was keen to hear it. Daniel pushed the door open and they walked in. They paused in the doorway. Lucy could see Paul stood waiting for her, Mike at his side. He turned and saw her. She gave him a soft smile which he returned, his eyes filled with love for her. She walked the short distance on her father's arm and then, once delivered to her husband to be, Daniel left her and sat in the front pew with her grandparents.

"You look incredible," Paul whispered to her. "Absolutely amazing!"

Lucy looked at him. His dark hair had been trimmed and he was clean shaven. He was wearing a dark blue suit (her favourite colour on him) with a white shirt. At the neck he wore the soft pink tie she had chosen for him because it was the same colour as her dress. In his lapel was a pink rose, the same as those in her hair.

"So do you." She smiled up at him, "You're so handsome!"

"Are you both ready?" Peter Hopkins, the chaplain, asked.

They nodded.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the chapel here at Queen Charlotte's Hospital. We are here to celebrate the marriage of Lucy and Paul. They've made the commitment to each other to join their lives forever. Their love for each other is very clear for all to see. However, we must see that there are no objections to this union in the eyes of the law." He turned to Paul.

"I am now going to ask you each in turn to declare that you know of no legal reason why you may not be joined together in marriage."

Paul took a deep breath, suddenly nervous. "I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment – why I, James Paul McCartney may not be joined in marriage to Lucinda Maria Jackson."

The chaplain turned to Lucy. "And now you Lucy."

"I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Lucinda Maria Jackson may not be joined in marriage to James Paul McCartney."

Peter smiled at them both. "Lucy and Paul, you have invited your guest here today to receive their encouragement and support and to celebrate with you at this special time. I ask you now; Paul, do you take Lucy to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to be loving, faithful and loyal to her for the rest of your life together?"

Paul gave Lucy a quick smile. "I will."

Grinning, Peter continued. "Lucy, do you take Paul to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to be loving, faithful and loyal to him for the rest of your life together?"

"I will."

Peter looked up at the watching guests. " Now we move on to the formal vows of marriage. Paul, if you would make your vows please."

Paul turned to face Lucy. He took her hand. "I call upon these persons here present to witness that I James Paul, do take you Lucinda Maria, to be my lawful wedded wife. I will always love and cherish you from this day forward. This is my promise to you."

Peter turned to Lucy. "Lucy, please make your vows to Paul.

Looking straight into his eyes, Lucy began, "I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, Lucinda Maria do take you James Paul to be my lawful wedded husband. I will always love and cherish you from this day forward."

Peter addressed the couple once more. "The exchanging of rings is the traditional way of sealing the promises that you have just made. It is an unbroken circle, symbolising unending and everlasting love and is the outward sign of the lifelong promise that you have just made to each other." He nodded to Mike McCartney who stepped forward and handed Peter two rings. "Now Paul, if you would take Lucy's left hand in your right hand and address her."

Paul faced her, his eyes filled with love. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Lucy, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you forever. All that I have I share with you forever. I promise to love you always, to be faithful and loyal, share in the good times and bad. May this ring remind you always of the promises we have made today." He gently slid the gold band onto the ring finger.

Peter handed Lucy the second wedding ring. She took it and turned to Paul. "Paul, I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you forever. All that I have I share with you forever. I promise to love you, to be faithful and loyal, share in the good times and bad. May this ring remind you always of the promises we have made today."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Lucy and Paul have made their vows and in the giving and receiving of a ring, have made their pledge before you and God. They begin their life journey as man and wife from this day forward. May their love protect them from the bad and bind them forever." Peter raised his hands into the air. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mr and Mrs McCartney."

Family and friends present began to cheer and clap. Paul and Lucy turned to face them, both grinning with the excitement of the event.

"You not going to kiss the bride Paul?" came a shout, "If not, then I will!"

Paul grinned at his brother Mike. "No chance!" He called back, a ripple of laughter going through the watching group, "She's mine!" He turned to Lucy and kissed her deeply, to the cheering and clapping delight of their guests.

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