Was I wrong?

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   It's been about three days since I dropped Austin off on the roof of Romeros. I've been watching them from afar, things are gonna go wrong soon. They're walking a tightrope and they're not being careful. I'm honestly shocked they haven't been killed yet. But knowing Xylo he'd kill everyone before they had a chance to even come near his friends.

   Not that that's a good thing. I'm just a little worried. Xylos stupid recklessness hasn't gotten him killed... yet. But what about Tyger, Ritchie, and Mev? After everything, they did for- No! Stop diving into his memories.

   Don't use the link for that Y/N, Austin says in his head. Remember the deal. I know you're breaking it cause I can hear your thoughts. I can't dig into yours unless you're guard is down. Stay out of my memories and I'll stay out of yours.

   Everything just goes quiet. Panic comes over me what memories of mine did he dig into? Was it the ones I have of Mev. Or maybe Xylo... That would seriously complicate things. Oh God, what's going on!?

   Calm down Y/N, He says. I didn't see anything of your past. Only your present. Remember I can see through your eyes when your guard is down so can you... Maybe look up. He sounded a little uncomfortable during that last sentence.

   I zone back into the real world and realize I was looking directly down. Anger takes me over. What took you so long to point that out, you perv! I shout in my head.

   Uhhhh... Austin pauses.

~Pov Austin~

   Tread carefully, boy! She says in my head.

   I swallow.

   "Panda," I here Xylo saying.

   I snap my head up. Everyone is looking at me with concerned looks on their faces.

   We'll talk about this later, and we will 'talk' about it. I feel her presence leave and sigh in relief.

   "Panda!" I hear Xylo shout.

   I groan. "Why so loud." I look up at them.

   "I don't know," Tyger says sarcastically. "Maybe the fact that you passed out for no apparent reason. During a run nonetheless!"

   "Are you insane?" I hear Mev say with his authoritative tone. "The lurkers are attracted to sound. Both of you stop shouting."

   "Okay, mom," I say rolling my eyes.

   "Guys," Ritchie says.

   Xylo and Tyger look to Ritchie. Mev's still glaring at me.

   "Mev's right," He says glancing at me with a hint of... disdain, then back to the others. "We should leave with how much we were shouting the lurkers will be swarming this place in minutes. We should move."

   "Yeah," Xylo says and looks back to me. "Can you stand?"

   "I think so," I say as I stand up and nearly fall.

   Xylo catches me.

   "You all right?" Tyger asks me looking concerned.

   I hold my head in my hands and lean against the wall. "Yeah, I just stood up to fast." That's totally a lie. When I talk to Y/N through our telepathic connection I get woozy.

   Xylo drapes my arm over his shoulder. "We should probably head back to base. Don't want the be caught in a hoard with one of us like this."

   We all agree and walk back to base.

   About halfway there I hear Xylo Whisperer, "Again."

   My mind went back to the time where everyone but Xylo ran from the hoard. We left him on that balcony to die. I kept the gun so I wouldn't forget. So thing's would go unforgotten, as he would say. Those were what I thought would be his last words. And they still may be.

   Stop thinking that way, Panda. I scold myself then thought for a moment. Will they ever find out my real name? Will I ever find the strength to tell them?

   We reach the compound and make it inside.


   They made it into the compound and I head back to the place where Austin collapsed. "Wow, they were not wrong about the lurkers." Lurkers!? What the hell Y/N!? Infected. I can't take them out one by one. Maybe I should use my sniper. No! Too loud. Plus that would just attract more. I'll have to go melee. But now I'll just get swarmed. Unless I can make it so they don't attack me.

   No, I refuse to do that again!

   "I can't believe I'm doing this," I say as I cut open the body of a dead infected. I gag and nearly hurl. "Oh God..so gross." I need to get rid of this hoard. So suck it up! I sigh and start the rub the remains of the infected all over myself.

   After about three minutes an infected makes his way in. I freeze the infected just walks off. Gess that's enough. I stand up and follow him hoping I can get to him before he reaches the hoard. I step out the building I was in and freeze.

   This is one of the biggest hoards I've ever come across. I swallow deeply. I choked back a scream when I got pushed into the hoard. I catch my balance and instinct takes over.

   I slowly push my way to the middle of the hoard of infected. I start to get antsy at the fact that a raindrop lands on my cheek. If it starts to rain the blood will wash off. I need to do this now before one of them gets to me first. I panic. I pull out my machete and spin around in a circle.

   The infected stare dumbfounded. I swing at those behind me. The smart ones put the pieces together and lung at me. I defend myself before they can touch me. The dumb ones finally catch on and slowly start to come after me.

   I fight off half of the hoard and one of them got past my defense. Then when I swung at him. I realized I'd barely got through the half of it. And I'm already so fatigued. I barely manage to avoid one of them biting me.

   I fight for another ten minutes. And take out all but three.

   I feel a gust of wind blow. Then I realize that the rain turned to snow. The lurkers start to slow because of the temperature dropping, and my footing falters. I slip and hit my head on the concrete. I blink and my vision falters. The infected come closer every time I blink.

   Is this it? I think to myself. Is this where I die? Just when one of them is above me he falls to the ground next to me. At first, I was confused, then I see he has one of the arrows I made in him. Austin can feel my pain. I calm down and realize just how much it hurts.

   Austin I'm sorry. I tell him telepathically as he comes into view and kills the last two remaining lurkers and rushes to my side. He says my name. But he just sounds so far away. I didn't even feel him pick me up, but I open my eyes and see I'm in his arms.

   I really am sorry. I say as I drift out of consciousness. And I mean it.



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