Chapter 1: The House

Start from the beginning

I panic, I know he answer it was just a shock from being lost in thought for a moment. "Uuhmm.........oh uh, 6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2"

"You are corrrrrrect!!" She says

If you are wondering, yes I take mental notes of these things and write them at home rather than at school, weird? Yes ,is it practical for me ,yes because I can study more often.

It feels like time isn't on my side today, because the first half of the school day went faster than I knew it and I was sitting with my friends at lunch

"What's wrong Eren? Said Armin

"I'm going to that creepy house with Jean and Conny after school..." I reply

"That's a bad idea! Do you know how many people have gone missing there?!" Said Armin, worried

"Your not going Eren" said mikasa ,being overprotective as usual

"But I already promised them and you know I'll feel bad if I don't go..." I reply

"Whatever, just be careful and stay by them at all times" they say at the same time ,"I don't want my smol child getting hurt" they say, once again ,in synchronisation.

"Jeez you guys sound as if you're my parents" I pout

"So what? We are just looking out for our youngest friend" they fold their arms.

"Whatever.." I pout once again and eat my lunch, after break ends, I have PE ,great, the lesson which I'm terrible at, then math, not too bad, but then I have to go to that house...nothing will happen, right? Anyway, I pick up my backpack and put it over my shoulder

"Goodbye mikasa, goodbye Armin"
I say smiling, little do I know, this was going to be my  last goodbye to them.

I walk into the boys changing room, changing into my PE kit ,after walking into the sports hall and sitting on a bench.

The gym coach Mr.Smith walls into the hall
"Alright everyone, today were playing dodgeball, Reiner and Thomas take turns and pick people to go in your team" he said, as always, I was picked for Reiner's team, he had always had a massive crush on me, but I just don't like him back in that way. Anyway ,the game began, the other team was smart and chose to wipe out some of the weak ones first, one lashing a ball straight towards my chest, hitting me full force. Me being the weakling I am, fall over to the force of it, Bertolt threw that ball, he was so strong it was terrifying, it hurt like crazy and was for sure going to leave a mark. Reiner ran in my direction, helping me over to the bench, he offered to sit out with me for a while, in exchange for an extra life for our team, that seemed fair to Mr.Smith so he did so. We spoke for a while, it was so awkward for me but Reiner seemed not to mind at all, in fact, he tried flirting with me in the conversation a lot. Finally, the lesson ended and everyone went back to the changing rooms

"Sorry about that, Eren" Bertoldt said scratching the back of his head with a nervous smile

"It's fine don't worry about it" I say with a bright smile on my face

"Okay, hope it doesn't hurt too bad, bye" he said before walking off

I take off my shirt and a huge red  mark is on my chest, quickly bruising. I earn a lot of stares from my classmates, most people muttering of how it looked really bad. I ignore that for now and continue to get changed.

When I am finished getting changed, I walk out of the PE block and across the school to the main building, but on my way their, of course Reiner just HAS to put an arm around me and start talking in a lovey dovey tone

"Hey, Eren, how does your chest feel? I can take you to the nurses office if you'd like"
He said

"Hello Reiner, my chest hurts pretty bad but I can't go to the nurses office because Ms.Ral (school nurse) will keep me back after school to get extra medical needs for sure, and I'll be late for a meet up with my friends"
I reply

"Oh, where are you going?" He says

"This old creepy abandoned house, jean and Conny want to see the demon and it can only be seen with three people" I reply

"Okay, stay safe though, a lot of people have gone missing and died while there..." he says

"Okay, goodbye then" I smile as I trail off to a different staircase to the math department, we are in the same class and Reiner sits in front of me, always turning around and flirting with me, annoying right? Thankfully, I make it to class before him, Mr.Bozado was at his desk waiting for everyone to arrive, and as usual, I just draw in my notebook.

The class went far too fast for my liking and before I knew it I was waiting for jean and Conny outside school to walk to the house. They arrive finally

"Ready?" Jean says

I nod my head

"Let's go I wanna catch a demon on camera!" Conny says as we all start walking to the house

Eyyyy welcome to another one of my fanfics! Hope you like the story, comment what you think!

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