twenty nine

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July 17, 2017 ; Vancouver, Washington

no haha she's out with cameron


i'm sorry, bro

i'm okay

you sure?

perfectly peachy


"Hello, Daniel," Mrs. Park hollers from the kitchen while washing dishes. I close the door behind me and smile at her greeting.

"Hi," I make my way to the kitchen and take a place beside her at the sink.

Passing between our two houses was relaxed. Ev always know where our spare key was, and she would arbitrarily head over to my house. I would do the same: appearing at the Park house whenever I felt like it.

I found myself at the neighboring home after dinner. Since the Parks had both been working when everyone was over, I didn't get to catch up with them, thus the visit.

"Daniel, you cannot come to our home and do our dishes. Especially when you didn't even eat," Mrs. Park pushes me away from the sink.

"Why not?" I give her a cheeky smile, and she just laughs.

"You already do too much for Evelyn. Now, please, sit down. I have lemonade in the fridge. Help yourself," She shoos me away, and I reluctantly grab a glass from the top cupboard.

"How are you?" I ask whilst pouring myself a glass.

"We're great. The summer is so quiet without Evelyn, though," She responds to my question naturally.

"Sorry," I laugh.

"I'm glad she's traveling with you," She finishes the last of her dishes, "Oh goodness, we're talking about our sad life here, and the boy who I've known since he was in diapers is hitting the top charts on iTunes. What am I doing?" She dries her hands.

"Please never repeat the fact you've known me since I was in diapers to the band. I would never be able to live it down."

Mrs. Park laughs, "Noted."

"But, yeah, it's surreal. I never expected to be touring across the country, let alone selling out shows or hitting the top charts."

She smiles in a motherly way before sighing, "You know everyone here is rooting for you," Her voice turns gentle.

"Thank you," I approach my almost-mother and wrap her into a hug. She laughs easily.

"We're proud of you, Daniel," She says after we hug, "Now, I am so sorry, but I have a ton of work to do and—"

"Of course," I nod, "I'll be back tomorrow."

"Ah, yes, and I'll be at your show," Mrs. Park grins.

. . .

I look out my bedroom window and notice the two headlights spilling yellow light onto the next door driveway. I watch as Ev emerges from the car. She says something while shutting the door behind her and begins walking toward our front door.

The headlights turn around and slowly leave the dark street. I move throughout the dark and quiet house to the door as I hear Ev fumbling for the spare key. Before she can unlock the door, I pull it open.


"Hey," She slips the spare key back under
the rock, "Thanks."

"Yeah," She passes me and sighs.

"How was it?" I ask, taking in her tired eyes.

She grins, but the smile I'm used to doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"It was fine," She grimaces in pain under her makeup, "I have a terrible headache. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Do you really need to ask?" I roll my eyes, "I'll get you some Tylenol."

She quietly shuts the bathroom door behind her before flicking on a yellow light. From my room, I grab a sweatshirt and a random pair of shorts from her pile of clothes, which I frankly have no idea how it got here, whether it be Anna's borrowing of Ev's clothes or Ev just being lazy. Leaving the clothes and a bottle of Tylenol at the bathroom door, I hear a muffled thank you.

Returning to the couch, I flip on the TV. Minutes later, Ev exits from the bathroom much more relaxed, her hair tied into a bun and her face makeup less. She collapses onto the couch beside me.

"I am so exhausted," She sighs.

"Oh, so no movie?" I joke and reach for the remote, but her fist lightly bumping my shoulder stops me.

"Of course we're watching a movie," She reaches for the nearest DVD and hands it to me, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

"We've watched this—"

"Twice," She interrupts, a slight smile on her face, "Unless you want to watch some sappy movie like—"

"Nope," I shake my head, "I am down for Harry Potter."

"You sure?" She glances at me, and I nod.

Slipping the DVD into the player, Ev returns to the couch, "You're the best."

She settles beside me, her legs tucked under her. I pull a nearby blanket out and spread it over the two of us as Hedwig's Theme begins piping though the speakers.

"As much as I love traveling, I missed this," She sighs, her tired eyes shining in the dark, "It feels good to be home."

"I missed everything about home. It was strange being in L.A. without you or my family."

"Do you know how many months of lonely movie nights I had to endure?" She jokes with me.

"My bad," I crack a smile, "I let you choose this time at least."

"That's true. I guess we're even."

"Good," I nod, "I can choose next time? I have so many ideas."

"Oh, goodness," She buries her face into my
shoulder, "Please let it be somewhat acceptable."

"Never," I retort.

I avert my eyes to the screen. The next hour passes in a comfortable silence. It isn't until I hear a small snore when I realize she's fallen asleep on my shoulder. Small hairs escape her bun, creating a crown that frames her face. She's smiling slightly, and I tuck a stray hair behind her ear.

"Good night, Ev," I whisper as the TV continues flickering through images of Harry Potter.

My heart races slightly as I feel myself drifting off as well, a smile adorned on my face.

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