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June 9, 2017 ; Vancouver, Washington

Nova is waiting for me at my locker when I arrive at school, which is unusual considering we are both busy all day.

"Hey?" I greet her questionably at my locker.

The hallway is filled with students.  Girls travel in close together, whispering to each other. Their eyes dart around the hallways on the lookout for any gossip. Boys also walk past, spread across the hallway. They joke around in loud voices. Between those groups, are girls and boys talking at normal voices. Everyone is heading in some direction. A few wanderers slowly amble down the hallways. Their eyes travel across the beaten lockers and crowds of students, observing. Occasionally, people will stop to wave hello to Nova.

"So . . . " Nova grins excessively, drawing out her words, "My parents said that they're fine with me going on tour as the photographer! They are just talking with the manager today, but after that, I'm basically all clear."

"Seriously, Nove? Okay, good. I'll have a fellow girl on tour with me at least," We both laugh.

"I'm pretty excited. I've been waiting for a great gig to take photos," Nova's excitement bubbles out of her. Photography is her passion, and I admire her for that.

"Totally. You'll be a great photographer. Plus, the boys should be mellow," I sigh, "After this school year, I could use a summer on the road."

"What part of the school year sucked? The part without Daniel or the part without Daniel," Nova jokes with me.

"Both," We laugh again.

"Well, I better head off. My friends are probably wonder where I am."

I nod, "We also have class too, y'know."

"That too."

We're both silent for a moment.

"This summer is a one for the books," Nova says excitedly, "We're going on tour!"

I smile, "We're going on tour," We both laugh and smile uncontrollably before we go our separate ways. Summer, here we come.

. . .

The next few weeks pass quickly. I'm caught up in a whirlwind of final projects and tests. Between that, my parents and I arrange the final details for the tour. Daniel grows increasingly excited every day. Finally, school ends. Nova and I are booked to head to L.A. three days after school ends, so somehow, on the first day of summer, I find myself staring at a pile of clothes all day, deciding what to pack.

"Daniel," I groan, "What the heck am I supposed to pack?"

He laughs into the phone, "You can swear, you know."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes, "And, answer my question."

"Um, casual clothes should be fine. Summery?"

I flop backwards onto my bed, "I give up."

"Nope," Daniel insists, "You're coming on tour."

"Okay, fine. Summery clothes it is."

. . .

June 20, 2017 ; Vancouver, Washington

The sun dips below the horizon, spilling warm, golden sunlight through my windows. I zip up my suitcase and take a final glance around the room. Carefully, I close my closet doors and make my bed.

Next door, I hear my parents moving around their room.

I close my eyes, memorizing the stillness and quiet in my room.

"Honey," My mom creeps into my doorway, "Are you ready?"

I turn around and smile, "Ready."

Carrying my luggage down the stairs, my parents chatter about the tour. We converse during the car ride to the airport, and finally, we arrive. I turn hesitantly to my parents. I'm excited to travel across the country, but I'm going to miss them both.

"Stay safe," My mom steps out of the car, "I know you'll be okay."

"Thanks, Mom. For letting me go."

"You and Daniel are inseparable," She laughs, "Of course. He'll take care of you. I trust him."

I hug her tightly. She smiles once more before letting me go.

"Be good, Evelyn," My dad drops my suitcase onto the curb.

"Always, Dad," He pulls me into a hug, and I stay there for a quiet moment.

"I love you guys."

"Love you, Evelyn," My parents say quietly.

They wave on the curb as I wheel the suitcase on the rough concrete. Then, I turn around and watch as my parents drive away.

"Evelyn!" Nova rushes toward me.

I'm suddenly swept up in a ball of energy and chatter.

"I'm so nervous. What if I can't good enough photos or something? I don't even know these boys. At least your friend is—"

"Relax," I take Nova by the shoulders, "You'll be fine. You are an amazing photographer too."

She smiles, visibly relaxing under my gaze.

"You're right. It'll be okay."

"Now," I pause, smirking at her, "Who's ready for California?"

Nova jumps up, suddenly excited again, "California, here we come!" She starts off quickly toward the check-in stand.

I follow behind her, lugging my baggage behind me. She turns around and smiles widely, and I laugh at her excitement once more.

On My Way • Why Don't We | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें