twenty seven

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July 14, 2017 ; San Fransisco, California

I've spent the past hour watching the clock anxiously, but finally, I feel myself succumbing to the exhaustion that has hit my body. I rest my head gently on Daniel's shoulder, his hand still holding mine. My eyelids grow heavy as I feel Daniel's head resting on mine. My thoughts turn into blurry dreams, too far to grasp. I slip in and out of sleep as the clock ticks beside me.

I'm drifting off again when the hotel room door opens with a click. I begin convincing myself it's a dream when I feel Daniel stir beside me. We both jump up and register the sight before our eyes.

"Nova Wilson," I jump up, untangling my hand from Daniel's. Anger and happiness flood through me simultaneously, "I am so—"

Daniel coughs from behind me and nudges my shoulder, "Ev, I think . . . "

I look down, noticing the two's intertwined hands, "Wait. I'm missing something."

Nova smiles, glancing at Zach, "We're kind of—"

"Dating?" Zach finishes the sentence.

Daniel and I share a knowing look, causing the two to look at each other awkwardly.

"It's about time," Corbyn chimes sleepily, sitting up.

"Zova," Jonah, who looks fully awake, winks at Zach.

"Guys, seriously," Zach's cheeks grow red at the boys' attention. Jack chucks a pillow at Zach's head, and the boys, all of them now fully awake, begin bickering.

"Hey, can we talk?" Nova asks me, "Alone."

"Yeah," I nod, "I was going to say the same thing."

We walk in silence to our room, and I push open the door. She takes a seat on the bed, and I sit across from her.

"I'm sorry," Nova says quietly.

"I am too. I should have never said the words I did."

"Neither should I," Nova smiles weakly, "I guess when I met Zach's friend, Leslie, I immediately began comparing myself to her. She was so pretty, and she was a soccer player, a good one too. I wondered how I could ever compare to that. I'm an aspiring photographer, sure, but I don't even know if I'll be able to get a job in the real world. I began comparing myself to everyone.

"You were the easiest. You have everything I want: a best friend whom you trust with everything, high marks, a future at your dream college, everything. It's hard not to compare myself to that. I know I should have never said any of those words, and I am so sorry about it."

I shake my head at her words, "Nova, do you know how many hours I've spent worried about being perfect? My two best friends are naturally talented, I'm touring with a band who has millions of fans, and you have a shot at an art college. It's easy to feel ordinary. I'm not extraordinary at anything. Sometimes, I just feel like giving up, like I'm not good enough.

"But, you're far from being ordinary. You're one of the most special people I've met, and there's something about you that draws people in. You're not just 'one in a million' to us. You're more than that, and if you're ever so upset or worried, please talk to me or anyone else.

"I was angry when I said all those mean things. I regret every moment of that argument. You never asked for it, and I didn't think about my actions enough. I'm sorry," I reach out to her, and she smiles forgivingly.

A silent moment of understanding passes between the two of us, understanding we aren't perfect and that we forgive each other for our mistakes and insecurities.

"I guess we both messed up big time," Nova jokes, "Problems aside. Thank you for being my friend."

"Thank you for being mine," I laugh, "Now, let's get some sleep."

. . .


I groggily awake. Something drops onto the tiled floor in our hotel, and I jump up to make sure everything is alright, rushing to the bathroom.

"Evelyn," I look down at the ground where Evelyn is crouched grabbing something.

She looks up and shoots me a smile, "Hi, Nove," She says cheerily while reaching further under the sink.

She withdraws her hand, producing a small bottle of hairspray. My eyes turn toward the counter which has a small collection of make up products scattered on top of it.

Evelyn and I weren't ones for makeup. We wore little to none unless it was a special occasion. It was what we were comfortable in, which is why the strange amount of items of the counter baffled me. Not to mention, we both absolutely sucked at anything makeup in general; you could say we admired those who did.

"You're wearing makeup?" I ask, puzzled. I wasn't judging but curious.

"Yeah," Evelyn shrugs, "I'm going to be a senior, and I figured it would be nice to change a bit. I'm trying it out."


"Yeah, Christina helped me a bit," She blushes modestly.

"You're sure?" I ask tentatively.

She shrugs, "Why not."

"I don't know. You just always seemed so comfortable before I wasn't excepting a change."

"I'm fine, Nove, just trying something new. I mean most of the girls in my class wear makeup."

"It's not like you to conform," I look at her, confused. The Evelyn talking to me wasn't the Evelyn I was used to, but there's nothing that correlates with her change.

"This isn't about Cameron, right?" I ask, and she immediately freezes. A blush spreads across her face, but she doesn't respond immediately.

"I just wanted a change," She responds before turning back to the mirror, making it clear that the conversation is over.


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