Epilogue: We have arrived

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"Danica, Darrick, the game starts in 20 minutes, which means that 10 minutes ago, we were supposed to be on our way, so come down, so we have to go" I shout from the bottom of the stairs "Coming" my children asks as Dante exits his office and I sigh "Gather our children, please, we are going to be late" I say "Danica, Darrick, get down this instant, we are leaving" Dante orders, our twins hurry down stairs "Thank you" I say as I kiss him.

"Did you drink your medicine?" I ask "Yes" he answers "Did you put all your protection on?" I ask "Yes" he answers "Even the one that goes down there?" I ask "Yes" he answers "And you remembered..." "Mom, please stop, I am not a little kid anymore" he says "I know, but that doesn't mean I can not worry, watch over you, the list is long" I say "Mom, you almost lost me once, pay attention to the word I am using, almost, but you did not, trust me, I am fine, like all the games, I followed your task list, I am ready" he says and I smile "Do me a favor and do not remind me that horrible day" I say, my much taller than me son kisses my head "Love you, Mom" he says "I love you too" I say.

"Enzo, get here!" The coach calls "I have to go" he says "Be careful" I say and he nods as he walks away, I sigh, he is right, 12 years ago, I almost had to burry him, just the memory relieves the pain.

"Time of death, 5:18 pm" Julie says "NO" I scream as I get closer to his bed again "No, Enzo, please, no, you can not leave me, I need you, your father needs you, please" I say as I rub his hair "Cara" Dante calls as he grabs my shoulders "He can not be dead, I am not ready to let him go, he is my baby" I say as I feel my heart been ripped out of my chest, a part of me has died.

I cry, so this how it feels to have a part of you been taken away, how it feels to lose your first love, your child, a little person that grew inside me, that I raised, that I watch grow up, that's how it feels to be dead alive.

"My love" Dante says and I sigh "We lost him" I say and he hugs me "I know" he says as he voice breaks, I hug him tight "He is in peace and in a better place now" he says and I feel it, a drop falls on my head, I simply hug my husband as we cry next to our son's body.

**BEEP** I frown **BEEP** I must be going crazy **BEEP** I look behind me "Do you see this?" I ask Dante "Yes, his heart is beating" I say "He is alive" I say "I will get doctor Riccardi" Dante says as he exits the room.

"Enzo" I call, my little baby opens his eyes "Hi, Mommy" he says and I laugh as I cry "Hi, sweetie" I greet back "Are you okay, Mommy?" He asks "Now that you are, I am just fine, sweetie" I answer and he gives me a weak smile.

I felt like I had died and come back to life all in a minute, I do want to experience that again.

Thanks to God, Enzo started to react to the treatment right after he came back to life, and after a few weeks he was home with me and Dante. I did not allowed him to go out of my sight for the first year, specially when Dante decided to home school our son, which was the best decision ever, I would have saved myself a lot of trips to the hospital, but the point is that my baby is alive and he is very healthy.

Now he is 17, almost 18, and about to go up to college, I no longer have a baby.

"He has grown" Dante says as he hugs me "I know, I am glad he has grown" he says and I sigh "I just wished he hadn't grown so fast" I say as I rest my head on his chest" I say "You still have Danica and Darrick" he says "I know, but they will grow too eventually" I say "Are you saying that you want a fourth kid?" Dante asks and I smile "Who says I am not already expecting your fourth kid?" I answer and I feel him looking at me, so I look up "Another one?" he asks "I told you to wear protection" I answer and he kisses me "When I have the need of you, I can not control myself" he says and I laugh, he kisses me "Enough, we have to watch our son play" I say as I smack on his chest.

This is the best feeling in the world. I have Dante with me, I have Enzo with me, I have my twins, and now I am going to have my fourth child, I couldn't be happier.


Billionaire's Blackmailed LoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora