Chapter 2: First Day On The Job

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"You are going on a trip?" Jay asks as he follows me into my office "Yes, I need you to cancel all my meetings for the rest of the week and I need you to make sure, a 100% sure that the bank is in communication with Mr. De Luca, so they can come to an agreement of how the loans will be paid" I say as I sit down in my chair "Do you have anything else for me?" I ask Jay "Yes, Mr. Smart called, he wants to order more biohazard carton boxes, plastic bags and boxes, Mr. Jensen wants to re-stock his store and the new store he is about to open" Jay says "Perfect, send Carol to take Mr. Jensen's order and send Nelson to take Mr. Smart's order" I say and Jay nods as he writes down "Anything else?" I ask "The design department called, the web page is up and running" Jay says "Do we have any orders?" I ask "Yes, we have over 50 orders, every order has been made, shipped, and soon to be delivered" Jay says and I nod "Also Mr. De Luca..." Jay starts to say, but he gets cut off by Dante (who just burst into my office like a tornado).

>>"Has been looking for you" Jay says as we (Jay and I) look at the very angry man in front of us "I notice, is there anything else that requires my attention?" I ask Jay, he looks at Dante, and shakes his head "I'll have my phone on at all time, call, text, or email me if you need anything, also, I need you to keep an eye on Enzo, you know that sometimes he can be handful for my parents, I'll let you know when I will be back, so you can re-schedule my agenda" I say and Jay nods "You can go now" I say and Jay hurries out, closing the door behind him.

>>I look at Dante, he looks if he has eaten something rotten, I guess I should have not mentioned Enzo in front of Dante, specially if I was not going to specify who Enzo is in my life **Laugh** what a way to torture Enzo "What's so funny?" he asks in total annoyance and anger "Nothing, you were looking for me, what do you want?" I ask, Dante closes his eyes, lifts his head, and takes a deep breath, like if he were asking for divine help "Ciara, we were supposed to be in Milan by now, but thanks to you, we are not" he says still with his eyes closed "Then let's go" I say as I stand, place some documents in my bag, walk to the door, and open it "Are we leaving or will you just stand there with your eyes closed?" I ask him, Dante takes a deep breath, turns around, and exits my office, I follow him.

"Who is Enzo? Why Jay needs to keep an eye on him?" Dante asks as we are driven to the airport "That's none of your business" I answer him, Dante takes a deep breath "Ciara, you are my mistress, only mine, I do not want to share you with anyone when you are not with me" he says "I do not double timing, Dante, I am not that, unlike some people that I know" I answer back "What is that supposed to mean?" he asks "You know what I mean" I answer back. he sighs, and I go back to work.

I know it is consuming him, Dante loves knowledge, he loves to know things, because knowing things gives him power, but for the moment I will keep to myself who Enzo is, why? He is seeking for revenge, I do not know what he can do if I tell him that he is father. I have to look for the right moment to tell him, I have to make sure that Dante will not do anything drastic against me for keeping such secret from him for over 5 years.


"We will be in Milan for 2 weeks" Dante says and I nod "You will be assisting to a lot of lunches, dinners, and balls with me, you will meet a lot people, so I need you to look young, beautiful, and classy, but sexy like a well paid mistress would look like, and let's be honest, your wardrobe simply doesn't do the job, so we have to go shopping" he says and I nod (again) "After every single event, I do not care how tired you can be, you will go to my bedroom, get naked, and wait for me in bed, because I am going to make you mine every single night, understood?" he asks "Yes" I simply answer as the car stops in front of a building "This my apartment building, Jimmy will take you to my apartment" he says and I look at him "I have a meeting, then I will have lunch with some associates, and you will me join me" he says, I look at my outfit, I do a mental check of all the clothes I have on my bag, and no, I do not have a decent dress, set of clothes to make me look like Dante wants me to look like "I already have a fashionista waiting for you upstairs, she will help you get ready for today's lunch, then she will take you shopping so you can dress properly" he says and I nod "Jimmy will drive to the restaurant when it is time to meet me" he says and I just nod, the car door is open by who I guess is Jimmy "So docile, so obedient, less challenging, less smart mouth, less you, I like it" he says, I just get off the car and head to the building.

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