"I think I'm dreaming" I said

Jin started laughing his window washing laugh "No you're not"

NO WAY!! I heard the window laugh in person I'm deceased.

"Are you coming to tomorrow's fansign?" Namjoon asked

"Yeah I'm really excited" I said starting to fangirl a little bit "I even got some stuff for you guys" I blushed slightly.

"Really?" Tae asked, I could tell he was getting really hyper and he was being really cute.
I nodded and wasn't really sure what to do now that I was going to the concert.

"Can I sit?" I asked, my legs were getting tired.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be able to sit?" Jungkook asked laughing at my question.

"I don't know" I replied sitting on the couch away from the other guys. I feel like I'm intruding on their personal space.

The guys started talking about some things for the concert and I silently watched my idols as they were exactly the same as they were on vlive and on variety shows.

"Hey how about we get to know y/n because we have some time before we have to leave?" Jimin asked coming to sit beside me on the couch.

"Yeah good idea Jimin" Tae said bouncing over to the couch along with J-Hope.

The rest of the guys calmly walked over.

"Um I'm boring you don't need to pretend to be interested in my life, I won't be interested in my life, I won't be offended." I said

"I did not raise my sons to pretend to be interested unpeople" Jin said from across from me.

"Sorry Jin" I said bowing my head in his direction "Ask me anything you want"

"How old are you?" J-Hope asks.

"I'm 19 and a 94 liner"

"Favorite color?"

"Y/f/c (your fav color)"

"Favorite food?"

"y/f/f (your fav food)"

The questions continued for a while until Jin decided to ask something that was embarrassing to answer.

"So why is Yoongi your bias?"

"Oh um... I think one of the main reasons would be because I love his raps. But I also like his motto and how he cares for all of you guys I don't know if that's enough of a reason" I said blushing and looking away. "And he is really attractive" I put my hands on my face and focused on the ground in front of my feet. "I could probably rant about this the way I do with my friends but because he is literally in the same room as me and would hear I'm not going to"

"Aww look they are both blushing" Namjoon said which made me look at Yoongi with a light pink color on his cheeks. Of course when I looked at him he looked up and we made eye contact. Ohmygosh. That's when Yoongi licked his lips in the hottest way ever. I am DECEASED.

"Aish!" I kinda shouted out my frustrations on accident.

"What's wrong y/n?" Tae asked.

"Sorry that was supposed to be in my head" I apologized

"I wanna hear" Jimin said

"First, what do you prefer to be called your stage names or real names?" I asked. I didn't want to offend anyone.

"You can call me Hoseok or Hobi if you want" Hobi said.

"Namjoon or Rap Mon" doesn't really matter" Namjoon says

"Taehyung, Tae or V" Tae said smiling his rectangle smile

"It's fine if you call me Yoongi" Yoongi said making me smile.

"Woah hyung never lets people call him Yoongi" Jungkook said

"Ok I still want to hear!" Jimin said getting impatient

"Yoongi, do you know how many of your fans you kill when you lick your lips? Like honestly the way you do it makes it look like you know exactly what you're doing!" I exclaimed blushing again but still looking at Yoongi.

"You mean this?" Yoongi asked and licked his lips again.

"STAHP! Are you trying to kill me?" I asked making all the guys laugh and Yoongi smirk.

There was a knock at the door and Namjoon went to answer it and when he came back their manager was there and it was apparently time to go to the concert venue.

Jin explained that I was going to come with them and there was no issues with that, which surprised me. We walked down to the vans that would take us to the concert venue. I was in a van with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin so I was expecting an interesting ride.

Not even a minute after we left the hotel Taehyung plugged in his phone and started playing cypher pt.3 killer.

"BOI this ma jam!" I yelled and danced really bad in my seat to the intro "Whatever you do I will kill for. Whatever I do I'll be real for. Look at me straight, this right here look, Varare beast mode..." I continued to rap the song and was having so much fun I didn't notice the maknae line watching me.

Suddenly Tae paused the song right before my bae's part. I turned to him and gave him a look "Bruh"

"Y/n wow you can rap really good" Jimin said.

"What? No I don't" I said.

"Yeah you do, you were just slaying cypher 3" Jungkook said

"Really? Thanks I guess." I said blushing at the compliment.

"You should be a rapper" Tae said.

"I don't think I could be on stage, I mean i'm a potato" I said laughing

"No you aren't y/n" Jimin said

"I don't know, maybe I'll try it out" I said trying to get the topic to change.

Tae changed the song to BigBang's 'Bang Bang Bang' and we all started bouncing around the car. After about 15 minutes we got to the venue and the line of fans was crazy.

The driver dropped us off at a secret entrance so we wouldn't be attacked by fans, which was nice. I didn't want to die from jealous fans today.

If you are actually taking the time to read this I hope you are enjoying it 🙃

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