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"A to the G to the U to the STD" I sang along enthusiastically to Agust D's Agust D while making a snack.

"S to the H to the U to the TUP" my older brother said entering the kitchen.

"Very funny" I replied sarcastically grabbing my ramen and leaving the kitchen continuing to sing the song.

I got back to my room and checked my computer to see what was all going on. I was calmly scrolling through the web when I saw something HUGE.

"YEHET!" I yelled and got off my bed and continued fangirling "Oh this ir really daebak" I mumbled checking again to make sure I saw right.

"YASS! I CAN'T EVEN!!" I yelled. BTS was having a tour with a concert in a city that wasn't far from where I live.

"What's wrong with you child?" my mom asked coming into my room.

"MOM! BTS IS COMING TO A PLACE CLOSE BY FOR TOUR!!" I said (kinda yelled) jumping around my room.

"Ok then..." Mom said walking away.

I went back to my computer to check some more things about the tour. After about half an hour I had some useful information.

Tickets would only be able to be bought the next day so I spent the rest of the day working hard at my family's small restaurant so that I would actually be able to afford the tickets.

After my shift was over I went home and watched some youtube and vLive till it was 11:54 I went to the website to buy tickets and was bouncing up and down excitedly waiting as the seconds ticked by slowly.


12:00! Quickly clicking on purchase I bought a floor ticket and also a fanmeet/fansign ticket that completely emptied my wallet, but I was really excited. I was going to meet BTS! YASSS!

The next few weeks were sent working to earn money for merch and other things. I ordered some things online to give to the members when I meet them at the fansign. I was still super excited to meet my idols and wanted to get them the best things I could.

Waiting for the day of the concert was torture! I was working hard most of the time and when I wasn't working I was watching youtube and spending time with my cat Jinx.

~le time skip~

It was two days before the concert and I was sooo pumped. I das already packed all my stuff and was saying goodbye to my family.
"Bye Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, see you guys in a few days" I said hugging them all.

"Be safe y/n" Mom said hugging me tightly.

"I will mom, don't worry" I replied grabbing my stuff and going to my car.

The seven hour drive was spent listening to kpop specifically BTS and eating snacks. By the time I arrived it was 1am and I was exhausted. So I decided to check into a hotel and sleep for a few hours.

Turning into the first hotel I see, I park and grab my stuff. I kinda zombie walked into the hotel and walked up to the counter.

"Hello what can I do for you?" The receptionist said.

"Do you possibly have any rooms left?" I asked tiredly.

"Give me one second" the receptionist said and clicked around on her computer. " Yes in fact we have one room left but it's $212 a night"

"Ok I'll take it" I pulled out my credit card and paid for the room.

"Room 405 the elevators are to the right" she said handing me the room key.

I got to the elevator and looked at my phone waiting for it to come down.


The elevator doors opened and I walked in clicking the '4' button.

I walked out of the elevator and headed towards my room.
I got to my room and opened it with the key, walking in I turned on the lights and put my stuff down.

"Five more minutes" someone mumbled, which freaked me out.

"Yahh turn off the light" a different guy's voice said.

"I'm sorry I think they messed up my room" I quickly say turning off the light and leaving.

Inside the room:

"Which of you turned on the light" Namjoon mumbled.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep" Yoongi said.

"I thought I heard a girl's voice" Jin said sitting up. "Joonie go see what happened" (B/c Namjin lol)

Regular POV:

That was so awkward so I speed walked away. I was about to get in the elevator when I realised I didn't have my stuff. "Really y/n you had to leave your stuff in the room that was supposed to be yours but isn't???" I said to myself as I awkwardly headed back to room 405.

Now what do I do? I can't just walk back in and grab my stuff. Trying to think of a solution I paced back and forth in the hall.

"Excuse me did you by any chance walk into my room?" A man's voice said behind me.

I turned around and froze when I saw who was there. "No way, I must be dreaming" I muttered to myself and slap myself in the face. "Ow"

"Don't hit yourself" he said "can you answer my question though?" Namjoon said.

"I'm sooo sorry for waking you, the receptionist said I had room 405 and gave me the key card" I mumbled. "I must be dreaming this kinda thing would never happen to me"

"What kind of thing would never happen to you?" Namjoon asked.

"That I would walk into Kim Namjoon's room on accident" I said and looked down.

"Ohhh are you ARMY?" he asked smiling

"Yeah, I came out for tomorrow's concert" I said and yawned. " I guess I should go get a different room"

"Why don't you just stay in our room? It's almost 2am and it's not a big deal" Namjoon said pulling me back to the room. //omg Namjoon is touching me *dies*

"Isn't there already seven people in here?" I asked still hesitant.

"No it's just Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung and me, the other four are next door." he said opening the door.

Quickly picking up the bag I had left in the doorway I quietly followed one of my idols.

"I guess you can change in the washroom and then sleep either in this bed or on the couch" Namjoon whispered pointing to a bed with one smol curled up Yoongi and the empty couch.

"I think I'll take the couch" I whisper blushing slightly in the dark room. "I'll go change now" I bowed low to Namjoon and go to the washroom and changing into my kitten onzie(onesie?). "Why did I bring this for pajamas?" I muttered "I look like a 5 year old".

I came out of the washroom placing my bag beside the couch and getting comfortable.

"Here's a blanket and pillow" Namjoon whispered handing me the stuff.

"Thank-you so much" I whispered back trying not to wake the other two guys.

I layed there on the couch for about half an hour trying to wrap my head around what had happened and how. I fell asleep soon after thinking about this insane situation.

A/n: Ik the first chapter sucks but I needed to set up the story lol
If there's any spelling or grammar mistakes please tell me 😁

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