"Are we throwing an engagement party?" I asked Natasha once she began to put away the wedding binder.

"Whatever you want to do, I'm okay with it all."

I thought for a moment. "There's already so much that needs to be done before February. An engagement party would just be another hassle. I say we just get on with the wedding."

"Then I agree." She kissed my cheek.

I watched her as she continued to take care of wedding preparations, calling everyone in her wedding party to let them know they've been selected. They seemed happy over the phone because Natasha was excited as she spoke.

She got off the phone and I moved to sync my phone with the Bluetooth speakers. A song began to play and I looked expectantly at her for her reaction.

She raised an eyebrow, questioning me. "What song is this?" She asked.

"Miss Independent," I told her. "By Ne-Yo."

"And the significance? Or you just wanted to play this song."

"This, Natasha, is what I just thought would be your theme song." My words made her smile. "It's true, though. You're independent and I love that."

She smiled and got a glass of water for herself. "You're too cute." When she spoke a smile ran on my face. "I'll have to start listening to music and find a theme song for you."

An idea sparked in my mind. "I have a wonderful game I want to play." I blurt.

"What's that?" She asked. 

I got to my feet, excited about my idea. "You have to pick three songs that describe me and three songs that remind you of our relationship. I'll do the same and we'll compare and see whose songs are better."

"This is unfair, Katya. You've been listening to music for, well, forever. I've only started some time ago."

"I have faith in you, Natasha. I'm sure you'll find songs," I paused the music before the next song could play. "I'll let you go through my CD's for inspiration."

She groaned but still accepted the challenge. "Fine. But don't expect me to find any good songs." I flashed a smile before disconnecting my phone to Bluetooth and heading to the bedroom. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I have to call my wedding party, then I'm picking the songs."

I closed the door behind me and first dialed Lucia. I told her the news of her being my maid of honor. "Oh darling!" She squealed. "This is such wonderful news! Thank you, I feel so...so...honored!" I laughed and she continued. "Finally, one of us are getting married!"

"I'm sure you're not far behind with Nadeem, right?" I asked in a teasing voice. We all had tried to insist that Lucia and Amar get together, but Lucia told everyone to stop pushing something that wasn't going to happen. She later told us it wouldn't happen because she was romantically involved with Nadeem.

"Darling, I have all of eternity to get there. Nadeem is just dragging his feet."

I chuckled. "I'm sure after my wedding, he'll feel inspired to do something similar."

"Let's hope so." Lucia sighed.

I called Wanda next and her reaction was similar to Lucia's. She was completely touched by my offer, but I had no one to tease her with. 

Nadeem was thrilled to be chosen, especially since he hasn't been to a wedding since the makeshift family was established. Amar had almost the same reaction as Nadeem, but with less profanity and much more mature.

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