Chapter 21

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- everyone you meet is fighting a battle you don't know about. be kind, always.

"Ah, I knew I'd see you again." Emma flashed her usual flirtatious smile towards me and stretched her hand out to Natasha. "I'm Emma Frost, it is very nice to finally meet you, Black Widow."

Natasha introduced herself, although it seems like she didn't really need to. Emma seemed to know who she was already.

I had not wanted to talk to Emma, but Natasha found her and asked me who she was. After recognizing the name I had said earlier, she wanted to meet her.

"You are quite the sight, Natasha. I now know exactly why Katya didn't fall for my charm when we first met." I felt my eyebrows twitch when she said this. Emma had used a charm on me, and it didn't work? "Not many humans can resist, very impressive that you did."

"I'm not like most humans." I tried my best to be polite.

"How very true." She studied me, and I didn't want to tell her that I was not even a human after all, but instead a fallen angel.

I spotted a very interesting person, one that I was intrigued by for a while now, and felt the urge to speak with them. "Will you ladies excuse me?"

"Of course." Natasha smiled at me, and I hurried towards the figure I was watching.

He pushed his dark disheveled hair out of his eyes to look at me. This was probably the only suit he owned, and it was a size too long for him. He seemed uncomfortable here as if he was out of place.

"Sam Alexander, right?" I asked, sticking my hand out. "I'm Katya."

"I'm Sam, yeah." He nodded, shaking my hand with a firm grip. He was probably around Peter's age, maybe a year or two older.

"This is some party. Lots of important people." I mused, looking around for a moment, then looking for his reaction.

"Yeah," He sighed. "I was surprised when Mr. Stark invited me to his daughter's baby shower."

"I'm not." I watched him carefully. "You're Nova. You belong here with the rest of the supers." His eyes darted quickly around my face, trying to figure out who I was. I smiled and reintroduced myself as Black Mamba. "I am a fallen angel, so I don't like to make myself known." I was telling this boy exactly who I was, to hopefully gain his trust.

"A fallen angel." He repeated, and I nodded. "Cool."

"Are you familiar with Spider-Man?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I know him. He and I are buddies, we go to the same school." He admitted, then paled, looking to see if I was going to start pressing him for Peter's name.

"Peter is here, did you see him yet?" I relaxed him with these words.

"Not yet." He shook his head no and began searching for Peter Parker. "Do you know where I can find him?"

"I'd say to look for Mr. Stark. Peter is always hanging around somewhere near him." I informed Sam, and he began looking in the direction of Tony, obviously wanting to find Peter. "I'm going to let you go to Peter, but before you do, let me ask you something."

"Shoot." Sam was tall for his age and stood a few inches taller than I was.

"Do you have a phone?"

"What kid doesn't?" He smiled, pulling out a phone with a cracked screen.

"Let us keep in touch, Sam Alexander." I entered my number in his phone. "I'm sure we can find ways to help each other out." I watched him put his phone in his pocket.

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