Chapter 43

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- i still fall for you every day.

I gripped the bike handlebars tightly while Natasha had her hand on my arm, stopping me from leaving. I had the helmet on, but once I saw Natasha's worried face I took it off, relaxing my grip on the handlebars.

"Don't worry about me." I cupped her jaw in one of my hands. "I'll be back before you know it," I assured her.

She shook her head, putting her hand on top of mine. "That's not what I'm worried about."There was so much concern on her face, I almost didn't want to leave. But I knew I had to. I needed to leave.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"What if this man can't give you what you want? What if it's a price that you can't pay?" Her worries made her almost always steady voice shake. "I can't lose you, Katya."

I kissed her cheek. "And you're not going to, Natasha." I forced a smile on my face even if I was afraid as well. "I'm coming back to you in one piece."

"You better." She smiled for a moment before engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug. "Ya lyublyu tebya," She whispered in my ear.

I kissed her slowly. "I love you too." Bringing my helmet back to my head, she took steps away from my bike. "I'll be back."

"I know." She took more steps back when I started the bike, and I quickly pulled away. If I stayed any longer with her being as unhappy as she was, I wouldn't want to leave and I definitely wouldn't have left.

Now, I narrowed my eyes at the road. Time to make me human.


The ride to Egypt wasn't as bad as I'd assumed. It was very lengthy, sure, but it wasn't boring like I feared. I pushed the shades on my eyes and stepped out of the plane. My tongue ran along the ring on my lip before I settled down and took my confident stride. I had to find Lucifer's man. I'd like to be home by tomorrow night.

I checked the paper I had in my hands. It was more of a piece of a scroll that I had stolen than a paper. On the scroll, it said I would find Lucifer's man in one of the pyramids. Fear ripped through me, but I choked it back down. He was just a fallen angel under all the human stories makes him up to be. Azazel was only a fallen angel and I have to continue to tell myself this.

"Hello," I greeted the woman working at the front desk of the airport in Egyptian Arabic. "Can you point me in the direction of the largest pyramid? I haven't been here for some time."

She smiled, "Of course," and pulled out a map, marking off in red the easiest route to the pyramids. "Here you are."

"Thank you, miss." Taking the map, I began my journey to the pyramids, which weren't far according to the woman's map.

I didn't take a car, as it would be much safer to walk. I'm not judging anyone in Egypt's ability to drive, but the last time I was here things almost got ugly really fast as soon as I got into a car. So I've learned to avoid them while I'm here.

I don't remember how long I was walking, but when I got to the entrance of the pyramids, the guards stopped me. "Tours aren't open yet. Come back later." He stepped in front of the entrance, and I sighed.

"You'd like to let me through," I said, placing the idea in his mind.

"I'd like to..." It seemed as if it would work, but he shook his head. "It's off limits, miss. Come back later." I placed the idea once again in his mind, and he accepted it. "Be careful, miss. The taped off areas haven't been cleared to civilians yet. Behind the tape is off limits to civilians."

I smiled, shaking his hand. "Thank you, sir, if I see one I shall let you know." Walking into the pyramid, I scoffed. Mortals, so weak minded. I haven't had an easier task ever before.

Roaming through multiple passageways, I finally found one that held Azazel. He would be in here. How did I know? Because there was a very unearthly feel about it. Maybe it was because I was in an ancient Egyptian burial ground, or because of the fallen angel on the other side of this wall.

Pushing fears I may still have away, I emerged from behind the wall. The fallen angel was standing, dressed in dark armor, and reading the hieroglyphics on the wall.

"So you have returned." His voice was gravelly and very unpleasant in my opinion, but I didn't say as much. "I didn't think you'd come back after what had happened last time."

"I'm surprised the avenging angels let you live, Azazel," I spoke as if this were a regular conversation with another regular being that I was fine with. "I have come for the rest of the treatment."

Azazel chuckled, turning to face me. My eyes went wide, half of his once handsome face was black. "They ruined my face," He said as if it weren't obvious. "And they stripped me of my power. Now, I'm just a fallen angel. Not a fallen sorcerer angel. I cannot help you."

"Please, Azazel. You must have something that can help me." It wasn't like me to beg for something, but this was different. I needed this, I needed his help. 

"No, Katya. I have done all I can. I am not helping you anymore, now get out before they take the other side of my face."

Left with no choice, I left the most powerful thought that he would give me what I wanted, immediately. His mind struggled against it for seconds and then gave in.

"I may have something that can help." He frowned and moved towards one of the tombs. This whole place felt ghastly. A feeling I would have welcomed some time ago, but now repelled. Ever since I had grown attached to humans. Azazel returned with a golden blade. "This will not make you human, I'm afraid I have nothing to turn you human. But this blade will kill you."

I felt uneasy. "So it is for suicide?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Precisely." He nodded. "When you're ready, you pierce your heart. Anywhere else will only cause extreme pain and do no damage except pain. The only way to kill you is through the heart." He walked towards me and held it out. "This is the best I can do, Katya."

I carefully took the blade from his hands, a new power surging through me as I felt the cold gold. "Thank you, Azazel," I whispered, not taking my eyes off the blade. 

"Is this because of that human girl?" Azazel asked, a smirk rising to his lips. I studied him, wondering if this was just a ruse to get me to admit I was falling for a human. I didn't answer his question before he continued. "There's a way to make her immortal. Care to know?"

I raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue.

"She must swear fealty to you for all eternity. That's all there is. She must speak the Oath of Homage and then it is finalized. She will be yours forever."

I grit my teeth. I didn't want to think of the Oath of Homage, I didn't want Natasha to become immortal, it was a tough life and one that I wouldn't want for her.

"You do remember the oath, don't you?" He was toying with me. I nodded. "Good. Tell her, then. Tell her she can become immortal."

"Thank you for the blade, Azazel." I bowed my head with respect and left the pyramid quickly. This wasn't something to take lightly, and I wasn't sure if I should tell Natasha about the Oath of Homage. After debating with myself for a few minutes, I decided Natasha should know that the Oath of Homage exists, but I wouldn't tell her the words to it.

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