Chapter 36

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- it all comes down to the last person you think of at night. that's where your heart is.

I sat on the bike, staring at the address Tony gave me. It led right into a ring store. Well, that's only what I assumed it was. The store's sign was James Allen.  Had Tony known what I wanted to do even before I asked him? Most likely. There really was no other explanation for it.

Going inside, it was a very official place. There were rows of encased glass, with plenty of jewelry inside.  I walked cautiously, not really knowing what to think of the place.

"Hello," A female's voice made me turn quickly. "Can I help you find something?"

I glanced down at the paper from Tony's office once again and saw that the letters were backward. I nodded and began to figure out what the word had said.

"Engagement ring." My voice was quiet, but the woman still managed to hear me. I wasn't talking to her, just simply reading what Tony had written.

"Ah! Engagement rings are right over here." She waved me over and I walked slowly, eyeing the whole setup. "Who is the engagement ring for?"

"My girlfriend." It felt odd saying the word, but also wonderful.

The woman smiled and walked behind a counter. She pulled out a large cushion, which held around six rings on it. "These are our most popular." She lifted each one carefully, showing me. "See one you like?" She questioned. "If not, I can take you to see more."

I shook my head, pointing to the one off to the side. It was brilliant and exactly how I pictured the engagement ring for Natasha. There was a single, large round diamond in the center, with close to a dozen smaller diamonds embedded in each side.

"Eighteen-karat white gold, with diamonds..." I blocked her voice out.

Instead, I stared at the ring and imagined myself proposing to Natasha. I imagined the ring on her finger and our wedding. And then I imagined taking her to Bosnia where we'd live there in the summers, Little Odessa in the fall, the Canadian home in the winters, and then Kiev in the spring.

It was the life I wanted, and the life Natasha deserved. Peaceful, and quiet. Free from danger, where we could live the rest of our lives.

I paid for the ring and slipped the box inside of my pocket. I had to thank Tony for giving me the address of this place, he knew myself and my desire better than I did. There was no way I could find a place where I could get a ring on my own.


The box sat there, staring at me. I returned the stare. It was sitting on the table at my apartment in Little Odessa, New York. It was past lunchtime, and I had hardly eaten. Who knew thinking of this was so stressful? I would never have imagined it.

Lucia sat next to me. I wanted her to be here. She had already gawked over the ring which in total cost me two thousand dollars, but I paid for it with my SHIELD credit card. I wasn't sure what the limits were on that thing for one person, but even if they did approach me about it, I'd just use my ability and convince them that it was necessary I use it.

"So she's in Moscow?" Lucia broke the silence. I nodded, not saying a word and not taking my eyes off of the black box. "And you said she was coming back at ten in the evening?" Once again, I nodded without a word. "Darling, you shouldn't be so worried. No one is expecting you to propose today." She rubbed my arm, trying to relax me.

"I know," I mumbled distractedly. I was now imagining every possible way my proposal could go wrong. Rejection, laughter, the whole deal.

Lucia breathed heavily through her nose and grabbed the box. My eyes widened as she shoved it in a drawer. "Stop staring at that thing like it might come alive. Natasha gets back in less than an hour. If she sees you acting this way, she's going to know something is going on." Lucia grabbed my shoulders, wrenching them in her direction so I could look at her. "You need to be here for her, not just physically but mentally as well. Today is the second anniversary of her brother's death. She's going to need you."

I licked my lips, nodding. Lucia was right. I had to be here for Natasha, no matter my fears. I had to put on a smile and act like I wasn't worried. She needed me today, and I needed to be strong.

"I better go. It's not going to help much if I'm here when Natasha returns." Lucia pinched my cheek with a smile and stood to leave.

"Thank you, Lucia." I really was thankful. "You're a wonderful friend."

"Anytime, darling." Lucia grinned over her shoulder and closed the door on her way out. Now all that was needed was to wait for Natasha.

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