Chapter 13

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- the moon knows that we're in love.

"How long are you going to keep doing this?" I frowned at Natasha's retreating figure.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Her bored voice made me agitated. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

I groaned and took a deep breath to calm myself down. "You're pretending again, Natasha." She continued her walk towards her room.

Right before she could open her door, I stepped in front of her, not moving. "Really?" She gave me a look as if to say, "How childish of you."

"This is giving me whiplash, Natasha." I tried to meet her eyes, but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking past me towards her door. "One day you hold my hand and tell me you're willing to try. Another day you completely avoid me, as if I'm nothing to you." I was truly getting exhausted from this. "Well, which is it? Do you care, or am I nothing to you?"

She looked tired and hurt when she finally met my eyes. "You know you're worth much more than nothing to me. You're something to me, and you know that." She mumbled, looking back at the door behind me.

"No, I really don't." I huffed. "You've been giving me mixed signals as soon as we came back to New York. I don't know what I am to you." 

She took a deep breath and looked away, not wanting to talk about this right now. But that's the same thing she's been doing ever since I bring this subject up to her.

"Katya," She sighed, but I quickly cut her off.

"Are we just friends, Natasha?" I asked her, exhaustion peeking into my voice.

"No." She said quickly. "No, we're not." She repeated.

"How do I know?" I finally caught her eye.

Conflict rose inside of her, and I wondered if what I had said was the right thing to say. But I soon found out that it was the perfect thing to say, right when Natasha's soft, full lips fit onto mine. I froze, shocked by her answer to my question, but quickly melted. Her hands cupped my face, and mine wrapped around her waist. It was like a thousand fireworks had exploded, and it was my birthday, Christmas, and New Years all packed into one. The kiss was liberating, and so very right. I don't remember the last time I've ever been kissed like this. As a matter of fact, I could hardly remember my own name while Natasha was kissing me like this.

When she finally pulled away, she whispered, "That's how you know." There was a slight pause before her next sentence. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my room."

Completely kissed out of my English, I asked, "Ty svoboden vecherom?" I had asked if she was free tonight, and asked in Russian because I had no idea how to speak English after what had just happened.

"Da," She smiled sweetly and closed her door.

So I had a date, with Natasha Romanova tonight. What on earth am I going to do, and how did I get this lucky.


When Natasha asked what we were doing tonight, I just told her that I was taking her out to a nice restaurant and that she should dress up. Then, we went our separate ways to our rooms, and I had a mini panic attack.

I mean, who wouldn't, right? I was taking the Black Widow out to dinner, on our very first day, of hopefully more to come.

I stared in the mirror at my reflection. I had somewhat freaked out on what to wear and ended up wearing a white shirt, with a black bow tie and blue jacket, with black pants and some brown boots. Around my neck, was the silver cross I had gotten when I first dropped to the earth.

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