Chapter 13

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Song for this chapter : Mad World - Gary Jules

The cold water hits me and I'm suddenly more awake and alert. Why did I agree to this? I swim to the edge and pull myself up to see everyone erupt in laughter. Did I do something? Well, other than jump into a pool... Everyone takes their phones out and starts taking pictures of me. I see flashes of lights everywhere and the laughter doesn't stop. That's when I realize it; I'm wearing a white dress without a bra. I instantly cover my chest and run away trying not to fall in my dizzy state. I start crying hysterically as I run out the front door and down a random street.

My alarm clock rings throughout the entire house making the pounding in my head magnify. I hold it in discomfort and push my covers aside. Is this what a hangover feels like? I couldn't have drank that much. The events from last night swirl in my head and I try my hardest to ignore them. I stand up, instantly regretting it. I rush into the bathroom and throw up. Is this another side effect? I hold my hair away from my face until I'm finished. When I stand up, I stare into the bathroom mirror. I do not know this girl in front of me. She's a party animal who drinks until she can't see straight; nothing I would ever consider doing, right? Wrong. This girl is someone who I never wanted to become, but I have and it sickens me. I start my normal routine for the morning, slower than usual. I have no desire to be at school today.

"Kat hurry up!" I hear Cameron's voice.

I sigh and head downstairs, shoes in hand. Cameron has dark circles around his eyes indicating that he didn't get any sleep because of me.

"Why are you taking me to school now? Where's mom every morning?" I ask him.

"I don't know Kat, she asks me so I do it," he says without looking up.

"What time do we leave tomorrow for Magcon?" I ask him while making my cereal.

"Are you sure you want to go? After all that's happened?" Cameron asks, that nervous tone making a reappearance.

"There's nothing more I'd rather do than leave here," I say honestly.

"Okay," Cameron whispers, going back to his food.

"Cam, it's not your-"

"Don't you dare tell me it wasn't my fault Katya."

He hasn't used my full name in ages and it's scaring me.

"I should've gone with you I... I should've done something," he says.

"What could you have possibly done, Cameron? Your stupid, little sister made you feel like she didn't want you, that she could handle this on her own, and you trusted her like a good brother should," I tell him.

"You never told me what exactly happened that night, Kat." He finally looks at me.

I eat my cereal and try my best to avoid his guilty, brown eyes. But they're not guilty, they're pure innocence that he can't see yet.

"Austin left with his friend somewhere... I couldn't find him. Someone asked me if I wanted to play truth or dare... I didn't want to be alone," I barely whisper.

"So I played and every round, they dared me to drink. I was actually kind of relieved that they were going easy on me." I avoid eye contact, but I can feel his gaze burning my skin.

"Then the next turn.. this girl dared me to jump in the pool," my voice cracks slightly, "so I did. When I got out I was... exposed. They took pictures Cam." I struggle to hold in the tears.

"And Austin wasn't there for any of this?" Cameron questions.

"No, I don't know where he went." I put my bowl in the sink.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora