Chapter 86

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I hope you had a good day... And if you didn't... I hope this cheers you up the next.. :)

I face it : my biggest tormentor. The place that drags me through the depths of hell, deeper with every step. And as I tread through the darkness, fire continues to burn through my soul, incinerating my innocence until there's nothing left. A place which I have escaped for a while, only to dine with Satan himself. Which is better, you may ask? I still don't have the answer.

"You're not going to school, Kat." Cameron insists.

"I have to! I won't graduate Cameron! Junior year is important!" I explain.

"I don't give a fuck about graduating! I care about your safety!"

"Not graduating means another year in this hell hole. There's no way I'm letting that happen!" I yell at him, snatching the car keys from his hand.

"You can't drive!" Cameron reminds me.

"Nash is taking me," I decide, and he looks up from his half eaten cereal.

"Let's go."

I take my first, reluctant step. Then I take another, and another, until I'm walking towards my inevitable misery. I keep a slow, steady pace; ideally hoping the bell will ring and the hallway will be empty. I clutch my backpack strap tighter than before and walk up to the daunting double doors that create the peaceful facade. It's all a lie. Everything about this place is just one big lie. The students, the teachers, the classes. It's all pointless.

"Why are you doing this?" Nash says, one hand on the steering wheel and the other outside the window.

"Doing what? Going to school? It's the law," I say.

"Not when you're recovering from a traumatic experience," he says.

"I can't hide forever."

"You're not hiding, you're healing."

I look at him.

"Am I?"

My hands touch the cold metal of the doors, pushing slightly. I'm rewarded with the sound of mindless chatter and sneakers squeaking against the tile floors, though is it really a reward?

"Kat? You're back?" I hear someone say.

I turn around to be greeted by familiar brown eyes.

"Hey Austin," I barely whisper.

"Where have you been?" he asks me.

I pause, trying to come up with a valid excuse.

"Oh you know... out of town," I say.

"Oh cool, where'd you go?" He begins to walk with me.

"Oh no where really, just visiting family. How are you? Are you living at home again?" I ask, desperate to change the subject.

"She kicked him out," he says.

I stop, looking at him in surprise.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now