Chapter 84

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Sorry it's been so long!!!

Nash's POV

I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness, my face gradually loosening as I shift slightly. I'm about to stretch my arms when I notice something weighing me down. I look down to find Kat sprawled across my chest, our hands intertwined. I immediately smile, my heart warming at the sight of her parted lips and soft snores. Then my thoughts begin to wonder if she had a nightmare tonight and how I didn't wake up. I get a tingly feeling when I realize she risked having a nightmare to be close to me. So I hold her tighter, as if my arms alone could protect her from the cruelty of the universe. But they can't, and I know that. And it hurts to know that.

She shifts a little, and I watch as her radiant, brown eyes come into view. She smiles shyly at me before hiding her face in my chest. I chuckle, puffing my chest out to get her to look at me.

"Since when are you shy with me?" I ask her.

"Since I snuck into your bed in the middle of the night," she replies, and I can feel her heartbeat accelerating.

I hope she can feel mine.

"It isn't the first time," I remind her.

"It probably won't be the last," she tells me, tightening her grip around my torso.

I smile.

"What time is it?" she asks.

I unclasp our hands and reach for my phone on the bedside table. It immediately feels cold without her, and I wish I ignored her question.

"8:00," I tell her, surprised I'm awake this early.

She groans before unwrapping herself from me and rolling over.

"Did you sleep okay, by the way?" I ask her and she sits up.

"It was okay," she teases, and I laugh.

"Oh really?" I question, wrapping my arms around her small waist.

"I mean, it could've been better..." she continues.

"Hmm, how so?" I smile into her neck.

"Well maybe if you were..." she looks at me, "Harry Styles."

I let go of her and laugh harder than I should, clenching my stomach and falling back onto the bed.

"Hey! I'm waaay better than Harry Styles!" I defend, admiring the way her eyes crinkle when she laughs.

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that." She giggles.

And then there's this moment where we look at each other, both silent, and yet saying everything we need to say.

"I should probably get out of here before Cameron wakes up," she says, and my body immediately deflates.

"Oh... Right..." I look away.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here.." she says, getting up and walking over to the door.

"Anytime," I tell her, and she looks back at me one last time before leaving.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant