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Jimin had rushed back to Hoseok's. He had told his boss there had been an emergency with a family member and his boss had reluctantly let him go. By the time Jimin had made it to Hoseok's he found the door open, the apartment in a wrecked state. he heard voices from down the hall and assumed Yoongi must have taken Hoseok to his bedroom.

In the end, Yoongi had to google what to do when someone was having a panic attack. Hoseok seemed to take it well, listening to Yoongi when he told him to breathe in and out, to calm down and relax and that everything was alright.

Yoongi definitely knew everything was not alright but he had to calm Hoseok down.

"I got here as quickly as I could," Jimim was breathless as he rounded the corner into Hoseok's room. He had run the entire way, skipping the elevator and going for the stairs.

Jimin saw his best friend sitting up on the bed, back against the baseboard, holding Yoongi's hand. The older was crouched down at the side of the bed, looking up at Hoseok with worried eyes. When the two heard Jimin's voice, they both turned. Hoseok gave Jimin a shaky smile. Yoongi stood, releasing Hoseok's hand and walked over to Jimin. He grabbed his shoulder and walked him back down the hall into the living room. Jimin was going to ask what Yoongi was doing but the older merely held a finger to his lips until they reached the wrecked living room area.

"Hoseok had a panic attack." Yoongi didn't waste anytime saying it - he was never one to sugar coat.

"Oh my god," Jimin buried his head in his hands, "Jiyong?"

Yoongi nodded, "I don't think anything else would have this kind of affect on him." Yoongi looked over Jimin, wrinkling his nose, "Hoseok's calm right now, why don't you go up and shower and then come back down so we can figure this thing out. I think it'd be better if you were all sweaty and stinky."

Jimin felt a twinge of annoyance in his chest but he knew Yoongi was right, he needed to get cleaned up, "Call me immediately if anything happens, I'll have my phone on me."

"In the shower?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

Jimin smiled, "Waterproof case."

When Jimin returned to Hoseok's apartment around twenty minutes later he was fuming mad. he entered without knocking, his eyes landing on Yoongi as the man was trying to clean up the massive mess left in the apartment. Hoseok was following him around, begging to help clean but Yoongi would gruffly tell him no before continuing with his task. Jimin stomped to gain the attention of the two in the room, his face red all the way to the tips of his ears.

"There was a note on my door. That son of a bitch knows where I live, too. God, this is a nightmare."

Yoongi finally set the ouch back up, physically setting Hoseok on it before walkig over to escort Jimin to sit beside his best friend as well, "Shouldn't you go to the police?"

"Yes, but they won't do anything. All they can do is wait and see if they can find Jiyong. Or they might just say this was a breaking and entering and all speculation." Jimin crossed his arms and sunk into the couch cushions.

"But Jiyong left you and Hoseok a note. That should be proof enough." Yoongi offered.

"He didn't sign it or anything." Jimin sighed and rubbed his temples, "But we'll still go down to the station and see what they can do."

Yoongi turned to Hoseok. The younger was being unnaturally quiet for his usual loud self, "Hoseok, you can't stay here."

"I don't have anywhere else, he knows where Jimin lives, too. What if he does something to Jimin to get to me?" Hoseok felt like crying again but held himself back. The last thing he needed was another meltdown. They all probably thought he was a baby anyway, "Maybe I should try and talk to him?"

"No." Yoongi had spoken. authority in his voice making it go a few octaves deeper. It certainly gained the room's attention, "You're not staying here."

"I have nowhere else!"

"You can stay at Jin's -" Jimin tried.

"No, he and Namjoon just moved in together, and I'm not getting in the way of them. All they do is suck face all the time." Hoseok shivered with the disturbing thought of his two good friends making out.

"Well which is more important, hearing them slobber all over each other or your life?"Jimin crossed his arms angrily.

Yoongi had been watching silently once more but he had had enough of the arguments. Interjecting with a half yell of his words he grabbed Hoseok's arm, "Stay with me."


"C'mon. we're already dating, I don't want to see someone get ahold of you - stay with me."


I'll try to have a double update tomorrow on this story or Pick Up Lines :)

please comment if you would! your comments and votes really help keep me going and writing this story

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