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The dance studio was a beautiful place in Hoseok's opinion. The class he was helping Jimin with was in the main dancing space - the biggest room in the studio. Since there were so many beginners, the largest room was normally reserved for those classes. It was a bright, open space. The windows of the front of the building going from the floor halfway to the ceiling, letting light pour into the building. The hardwood floors were waxed and shining and in perfect condition to teach dancing. The front door opened into the room, but people had to stop by the desk situated in front to check in before continuing on.

"Would you check people in while I get everything ready?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok nodded, letting the pads of his fingers run across the cool granite of the countertop. he had always though the dark stone to be an odd choice for a dance studio desk but the colors contrasted rather nicely.

People started slowly trickling in, registering their names for attendance and telling Hoseok good morning. he nodded and smiled, happy to be dancing on such a lovely day.

The bell above the door rung again. Hoseok heard it but didn't look up, his head buried in the registration book, eyes skittering across the pages. The person who came in cleared their throat causing Hoseok to look up. He had a smile on his face, ready to welcome the new comer but it quickly vanished. A mop of freshly bleached hair and piercing dark eyes were the tell tale signs of dread that was quickly pooling in Hoseok's chest.

"You work here?" Yoongi asked while stretching his arms.

Hoseok could have cried. If he didn't have enough problems, now he had to work with Min Yoongi.

"Yes," he sighed, "I'm a dance instructor. What are you doing here?"

Yoongi chuckled. It was a sound that Hoseok had heard before but still sent chills down his spine, "Learning to dance." Hoseok nodded, not really paying attention to the simple answer. He was more pondering how he was going to avoid Yoongi for two hours of a dance session when Yoongi's voice pulled him out of his thoughts, "Doesn't Jimin work here, too?"

The hurt was back. Yoongi wasn't coming to class to learn how to dance - Yoongi was coming to class to see Jimin.

"Yeah, he teaches this class," Hoseok turned and muttered under his breath, "As if you didn't know that already."

Yoongi didn't hear him, "Where to I sign in and do I pay you?"

Hoseok slid the book over to him and offered a weak, "Yeah, you pay me."

Yoongi signed in and paid, a small, a gummy smile taking over his features. Hoseok could have swooned from that sight alone.

"Alright everyone" Jimin yelled from the front of the room, "Get into your places. If there are any new comers, please come up further to the front so you can see better."

Yoongi's head snapped up and he walked to the front of the group as instructed along with a few others. Hoaeok watched at Yoongi and Jimin exchanged bright smiles as everyone moved around the room. Jimin waved Hoseok over to the front of the class, positioning him beside himself.

"I see we have a few new comers. Before we get started, let me introduce myself, I'm Park Jimin and I teach this class. Normally Jackson would be my co-teacher but he's out sick today." Jimin turned to Hoseok motioning for him to introduce himself as well.

Normally, Hoseok had a happy and bubbly personality and his introductions matched likewise but today was different. His beautiful day that he was certain would be so perfect was ruined simply from the man standing in the front row of students.

"I-I'm Hoseok. I usually teach the more advanced students, but today I'll be helping Jimin."

Jimin nodded and smiled, "Since Hoseok hyung is such an amazing dancer, I'm going to have him helping out all you new comers~"

Hoseok didn't hear anything the younger said past that point. Work with the new comers? That meant he was going to have to get hands on with Yoongi....

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