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A few days had passed since Hoseok's incident with Yoongi delivering his pizza. he had just gotten home from work and was thinking about cooking himself some dinner when his phone started vibrating in his pocket. Without looking at the caller I.D. he clicked the Accept Call button and muttered a quick hello.

"Hey Hoseok hyung! Why don't you come over tonight? I'm having a bunch of friends over for a bit of a party." Jimin's chipper voice chirped through the phone.

"Jimin, you know I have work in the morning, I have to be up early. I can't get wasted on soju with you guys." Hoseok replied, rolling his eyes. he knew the younger couldn't see him but he couldn't stop himself.

Jimin whined, "Please, hyung? For me? You don't have to drink. Just come by for a few minutes and mingle."

Hoseok sighed, "Fine."

"Thank you, hyung! Gotta go, bye!"

Hoseok heard the other hand up the phone and the dial tone to follow. Hoseok decided to get changed and showered if he was going to Jimin's. The younger usually didn't host many parties but when he did they were always fun and perhaps a bit wild. Maybe Hoseok would meet someone new at this party? With that thought in mind and a soft sigh, he made his way to the bathroom to shower.


Hoseok felt the vibration of the bass before he even stepped out of the elevator. He knew it was coming from Jimin's flat. Jimin had always loved loud music and his parties reflected that. he looked down at his own outfit one last time, thinking he might be making a mistake. He had picked an edgier style for the party, opting for a darker color theme in his clothing. His shirt was simple: a black tank top with no logos or writing on the front. He wore a jacket over it to hide the thinness of his arms but in all honestly, he quite liked the jacket he had chosen. It was a simple leather jacket his friend Namjoon had given him some years ago. he rarely wore it but decided that it went with his current outfit right before leaving his own apartment. His black, leather pants were almost too small but he couldn't help himself but to wear them. Taehyung had said they made his butt look amazing and as much as Hoseoke though Taehyung was a bit odd, but his taste in fashion was rarely wrong.

To top off Hoseok's look he had an imitation gold chain dangling around his neck. He sighed. He knew he looked ridiculous. He normally wore comfortable clothes or the clothes he would work out or dance in but he felt like dressing to impress. he looked like he should be going clubbing, not stopping by a small party in an apartment complex. he was so glad he had decided to skip putting on any makeup. He knew eyeliner wouldn't have helped him in his current situation.

He looked back to the elevator. He could always leave....

Shaking his head, Hoseoks trudged to Jimin's door. He wouldn't do that to his friend. He had said he would come and he was going to go through with it.

Coming to the white painted door wondering how Jimin hadn't gotten any noise complaints yet, he knocked as hard as he could. No one came to answer his knocking and so Hoseok just turned the knob and walked in himself. The music was too loud for his liking but before he could even think to turn back and leave, Jimin grabbed onto his arm.

"Oh my god, hyung, you look amazing!' he laughed. Hoseok barely heard him but was thankful for the compliment.

Hoseok took a quick look around the sea of people. He couldn't even distinguish anything about Jimin's apartment it was so full. he thought there was nothing of interest at the party until his eyes landed on a certain someone.

Yoongi was sitting in the back of the room, almost curled into himself, cradling a can of soda. Hoseok's eyes landed on him and again, he immediately felt the urge to leave. Before he could even turn around, Jimin had a hold on his sleeve and was pulling him towards the back corner. Towards Yoongi. Hoseok tried to pull his sleeve away but it did no good. Jimin was small but he was a very strong person. He had no problem dragging his hyung over towards the lonely looking man in the corner while pushing past the other people in their way.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin greeted. Yoongi flicked his eyes up from his can of soda, his expression softening at the sight of Jimin. He looked over to Hoseok and his expression immediately hardened again. Hoseok noticed the change but said nothing Jimin seemed completely oblivious to it as he smiled. Hoseok also noted Yoongi had changed his hair color. It was now bleached almost completely white. It must mean that the shorter man was going to dye it a new color soon.

"Hi, Jimin," he took a swig of his drink.

Jimin chuckled, "You looked lonely, hyung, so I found a friend to come and keep you company!" he pushed Hoseok forward a little, the older stumbling, "This is Hoseok hyung, I know you've met each other. I'm sure you two will get along famously!" someone in the crowd of people shouted Jimin's name. His eyes turned into happy crescents as he bid a quick goodbye to the two before running off.

"I like your hair...." Hoseok tried. When he saw the nasty look sent his way he closed his mouth with a barely audible snap.

"What the hell are you even wearing? You look like an idiot."

Hoseok gasped at those words, something in his chest crumbling. The soft noise that had left his lips was whisked away - drowned out by the music. he straightened again, trying to still say something that might get to Yoongi, "I like what you're wearing."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Why don't you leave me alone?"

"Jimin dragged me over here," Hoseok shot back feeling particularly defensive. How dare this man just assume Hoseok was obsessed him? He knew he was stepping out of line but he couldn't help himself. he was angry and he knew he was blushing madly, "You're really a jerk, Yoongi." He saw the other's eyes widen with a look of disbelief. Hoseok knew he should have at least referred to Yoongi as hyung but he was far too angry. Why did all the hot guys have to be terrible?

He whirled around with a small hrmph and made his way to the door. Jin saw him stomping away and caught his arm before he could reach the door handle.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" the elder asked, trying to grab Hoseok before he could leave.

Hoseok knew there was angrer clearly etched all over his face. He had never been good at hiding his emotions. He was furious and embarrassed and wanted nothing more than to go back to his apartment, take a warm bath and go to bed early before starting his new job.

"I'll talk with you about it later, Jin. Please tell Jimin I'm sorry but I have to go." Before his hyung could say another word, Hoseok had slipped out of the door and into the hallway.

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